Modding the DirectStream DAC MKI

As I mentioned earlier…I’ll just wait for the next Software drop. :slightly_smiling_face:

Think about the research Ted put in to the hardware, then think about the level of improvement we get across Mountain updates when they drop…
Too many variables, I’ll leave it to the experts.

The hardwares sound, softwares a gas and Ted’s got our backs.


And then the jr. :grinning:

Removing the bridge was already beneficial.

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My sentiments exactly… Why bastardised an incredible sounding DAC. Ted is the Man. Leave it to the expert.


More improvement from Software quoth the Man himself.

Good enough for me.

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Of course. We all get a better sounding DS for free…

Completely Agree. Don’t fix it if it aint broke. Many of the mod companies have in fact broken gear. With no recourse from the customer.

Thank you Ted. Speed-racer, you were indeed wrong.

I have a DAVE and that fancy Ayre plus the MSB anyways. I am happy with the DSS as is. Quite frankly the DSS is not so far off DACS 60x it’s price. I think that speaks a whole lot about Ted. I have no doubt that the TSS is going to be the then current DAC champion of the world. Now that I know I can use a longer cable I highly doubt I will use the 30 days. I have never once used the 30 days with PS Audio. Always happy with what I got.

You still don’t get that you misunderstood what Ted was saying. He was not saying that a clock within an oven lasted longer than a clock not in an oven. “Stability” has to do with clock drift over time. Not clock MTBF.

I never said anything about MTBF Bro! Please calm down. This is not a competition who is right. I specifically meant Drift over time! Exactly as he confirmed and you agree. You just misunderstood me Bro. Can we shake hands and make up now? Just a misunderstanding. I am not sure why you thought I ever meant MTBF? I am not stupid you know.

Audiophile gear tends not to use ovens probably because Audiophiles upgrade often. On the pro audio side we keep gear years and yes, drift matters. It introduces jitter. So, on the pro audio side ovens are common place. It kind is MTBF though because a DAC full of drift is garbage. Even though it has not outright failed. I understand that you wish to mince words however. So for the record I never said MTBF! Go back and have a look why don’t you…

Speed-racer, it is impolite to argue if you are correct. Here you are not even so. This about what I had “apparently” said. Not of specs of any kind mind you. I in fact said no such thing. By “lasts longer” I meant “drift”. Not “MTBF” as you had perceived. I suppose that is in fact open to interpretation but here I am setting the record straight. Once and for all.

Okay. I have always been calm. You are the excitable one here.

But, then I look at the post I first responded to and I have nothing but doubts. Read this:

Phrases like “last a very long time” and “tend to keep gear longer” are really strong indicators that, at least initially, you were talking about longevity, not stability.

Now, as Ted has indicated that short term stability is important for a DAC as that stability affects jitter and phase noise. This means that long term stability is not needed as accurate clocking from one week to another or even 1 day to another is not required. Here is what Ted said.

So, if your “last a long time” really meant “stabile over a long period of time”, you need to clean up your phrasing. Regardless, the answer is that long term stability isn’t important for a DAC so using clock chips in ovens isn’t necessary and even might be bad. See here:

Also phase noise doesn’t depend much on tempurature. Since the DS is using a VCXO tempurature drift doesn’t matter since the control loop will fix it.
Put more simply there aren’t any (or at least very few) oven controlled VCXO’s. They just don’t make sense.


Okay, my bad. I admit I am wrong. I have no clue why pro audio DAC’s use ovens TBH.

I did not know the DSS had a VCXO? Isn’t that even better than Femto? I understand one is a technology and one is a measurement but I mean as far as Audiophiles toss around words. In that sense, Isn’t it actually better? It seems they no longer ask for Femto but rather VCXO. I am not the stupid one here, okay. I am speaking of generally inept people. Not myself. I guess VCXO is the new buzz word now however and the DSS had it 6+ years ago. Go figure.

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Good man. (In advance)

Good man.

OT: I messed up yesterday. I had my foot on the brake just enough to start it, throttle mashed. Released brake, throttle still mashed. Switched into drive before the gauges “bounced”. It took off like a rocket and scared the heck out of me. I do not drive drunk. I was just very tired. Still no way to drive.

Now something serious. I need a way to contact Paul. I found about some people that claim to mod your PS Audio gear(and many others) for a fee. They collect the fee and your gear and you never hear from them again! I thought at least Paul could put a warning. when you look at their pages it is so obviously bogus. They also sell $6000.00 lamp cord cables which they never deliver. If you read what their focus is it becomes very clear. I did not want to put the link unless okay with someone from the management here.


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You can always contact me via email

Did somebody replace the transformers in DS and get a positive result in SQ ? Ted mentioned about EDCOR XS4400 .

I think it’s to keep pitch and pace constant over long periods and in different systems and studios. You want 440Hz to be 440Hz, you want 90bpm to be 90bpm, regardless of when or where the recording was made.

If you had an ADC running 1% slow, then what you think is 96kHz sample rate is closer to 95kHz sample rate and when you take that recording somewhere else and play back at 96kHz you get pitch and pace that are 1% faster than what the artist actually played. Using a TCXO helps ensure overall consistency of reference clocks.

Can you name a couple which do?

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I have since made extensive internal modifications to my DSS. Almost nothing is untouched. It is a completely different DAC. Both in topology and sound. All the electrolytics are replaced. All the resistors are replaced. The transformer is replaced. The clock is replaced. All wiring is replaced with silver. All jacks replaced. And so on… It is now a completely different class of DAC as expected. Oh, and of course it is 100% functional on the first try. This with 9 outboard tweaks. Plus internally covered with ERS cloth and the underside of the top covered with Dynamat Xtreme. I would put this 2 steps ahead of the DCS Rossini but not quite my select DAC II.