My New BHK 250 - I'm Impressed & A Bit Disappointed Too

So I pulled the trigger & bought a new BHK 250. I un-boxed it last night and hooked it up to my system, which is pretty basic. The music source is Tidal, streamed wirelessly to the Directstream DAC. The DAC goes directly to the BHK 250, which is powering Magnepan 1.7i’s. I’m using Audience Forte F3 power cables on the DAC & amp.

I was impressed with the its openness & the remarkable separation between instruments, improved sound stage/imaging and how it revealed subtle details. However, vocal parts were somewhat thin & recessed & lacked the fuller body of what I’m used to. The top end seemed a bit strident & spitty, also. The bass was full & defined, but didn’t have the punch & tightness that I’m used to hearing.

The amp I’m comparing it to is my old workhorse, Aragon 8008 BB. While lacking the detail, separation and soundstage of the BHK, it has a smoother top end, a richer, fuller midrange & punchier, tighter bass.

I know the amp should be broken in at least 100 hours or more before I pass judgement, but I’m a little nervous that I spent so much money on an amp that may be wrong for my system. I’ve read that the BHK 250 has a smooth high end & is just ever so slightly on the warm side of neutral, but that’s not what I’m hearing now.

Will this amp “warm up” & have fuller mids, smoother highs & tighter bass after a good break in period?

Thanks for your help & opinions.

Have faith, the SQ you desire will come. One way to help burn-in is to leave it on and secondly playing if that’s possible.

Since you just plugged it in last night, it hasn’t even fully warmed up yet, not to mention being broken in. Not to worry, it will improve with time.
From my experience, it will take 3 days to stabilize, and reach it’s optimal operating temperature, but then you’ll need to let it break-in for at least 250 hrs before doing any critical listening.

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Welcome to the BHK club. Two things, the first is break in time and the second is tube rolling. Both are covered here in the forums. I would keep the amps playing for a few hundred hours. They definitely sound better with time. Rolling the tubes has a pretty dramatic effect also. There isn’t much point in swapping out the tubes until break in is done.

How do you stream wirelessly to the DSD? In my system, hard wired sounded much better than wireless—not with the DSD, since I don’t own one yet.

Also curious about the wireless piece, and will also confirm that hardwired sounds better. Especially with the hashiness, spaciousness, and body.

Def give it a week or so if break in time. And once you do, good to check out the tube rolling threads. The Tungsram 7DJ8 is a great start.

Would recommend the HFC Reveal Series if you’re looking to add that additional body to the power cables.

Lastly, I know it’s a bit controversial, but I found an aftermarket ethernet cable like the SOtM DBL-CAT7 or even the Supra Cat 8’s and an aftermarket Audiophile grade switch like those from the Linear Solution or SOtM will offer an improvement to your streaming experience. Re the switch, even a LPS will help plenty.

Thanks for the help. I’m feeling a little less buyer’s remorse now! As far as streaming, I use an iPad, or a Samsung Android tablet with Mconnect that streams to the Bridge II card in the DS. I’ve compared streaming to running USB from my Dell laptop and prefer the sound of streaming. My USB cable is a Shunyata Venom.

I’ve always doubted the validity of upgrading Ethernet cable, but I also doubted upgrading power cables. Boy was I wrong on that. The Audience Forte 3 cables made a big difference, especially on the Aragon 8008 BB. I’m sure it will do the same for the BHK 250.

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Bridge II is connected via Ethernet? Technically you are not streaming wirelessly. You are just controlling the UI wirelessly. There’s a big difference. Give your 250 time. I love mine!!!

Ok. Thanks for the clarification. So, will the mids fatten up a little & be more forward in the sound stage once it’s broken in? I feel like I’ve moved a few rows back with the BHK.

I don’t have the BHK’s but from what I’ve heard you’re in for a real treat when broken in. The 1.7i’s are real word beaters -set up properly they’re comparable to speakers many times their cost. They just keep getting better as the system improves. Magnepan has to be one of the best values in all high end audio. I think you’re looking at 100’s of hours for full break in. I’m sure someone on here will know for sure. Have fun that should be a great combo.

I know this post is some years ago. How did the BHK250 work out for you in the end?

I received the same model earlier this week. It was reconditioned, they are discontinuing so having a half price deal. Speaking to sales he said the one I had was a recent purchase returned. I went over it with a fine tooth comb, no cosmetic damage, not even a hint to dust. It looks brand new.

Being so new makes me think maybe they kept the same tubes in. So I’m sure they’ve had some use from the original purchaser.

My stack from the top of the stream…

PS Audio P12 Power Regenerator
Innuos Zenith MkIII (c$4k)
Innuos USB Reclocker (c$3k)
Chord MScaler ($c4k)
Holo May KTE Dac (c$5k)
KEF Reference 1 Speakers (c$9)

Not putting the value to be an ass (and I’m sure you guys are familiar with these products) but to show the setup is giving the BHK’s every chance

My previous amp was a Cambridge Edge A Integrated (c$5k)

I have a Holo Serene Preamp (c$3k) on order so I have no preamp at the moment.

I began by using the the pre outs of the Cambridge into the BHK.

After that, no good results, I switched to Dac right into BHK adjusting volume in roon on the Innuos.

Don’t get me wrong there were some tracks that gave me more than the Cambridge. Mainly tracks with not so much going on like North Country Girl by Bob Dylan. That’s always a good track as on revealing systems you get the vocal & harmonica in the room with you.

However, other tracks. Soundgarden, Pink Floyd - Time and others where there is more going on. Muddy Muddy. The chimes should have been OMG, well, they were but not in the way in wanted!

On many tracks I’m getting the same as the original poster, recessed vocals. It’s like you’ve heard a good mix of a song and now you’re hearing a much less good mix.

I know people are saying, wait, it will come but to me, given the step up and the advantages of a dedicated power amp over an integrated. They should be pretty equal when the BHK is out of the box, then it should be wow once it’s burned in.

It feels like 200m back in the last lap of an 800 race and I’m like, is it possible it’s going to come through and overtake?!

I’ve consumed everything Paul, Bascom, Arnie and reviews. I couldn’t audition at a dealer. They are heros to me but I did think. The music they often talk about is classical, acoustic and the usual Diana Krall type fair so beloved of audio shows.

However, my tastes are everything and that includes electronica of Pet Shop Boys, Leftfield & Aphex Twin. The latter. Some of his music has a very ethereal, transparent production where sounds can be just in the air. It was flat with the BHK and made me wonder if the designers considered this kind of music.

I love Paul but I have gone through the Octave catalogue previewing and not found much to float my boat. So that has me worried that the BHK has been designed for a narrow genre.

Sorry it’s long but would appreciate knowing how it worked out for the original poster and any others.

Many Many Thanks
Merry Christmas

I’m not one of the original posters but I did use the BHK 250 for nearly five years. I thought it was an upgrade from my previous power amps (Sony, Arcam, Onkyo, Bryston 4BST, Rogue Hydra, PSAudio M700s).
I found that amp to work very well with all types of music and sources. I ultimately sold it because I wanted something lighter in weight and less bulky.
Before throwing in the towel on this amp you might consider swapping out the tubes.

Good advice, @NHCanary

I have never listened to a BHK 250, but your experience is inconsistent with everything I have read about them to date.

Good luck.

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Do you mean swap out the tubes for sound rather than age?

Never had experience of tubes but I’d be surprised if any tube change can close the gap enough over what I hear at the mo. Isn’t one of the benefits of tube, transparency? Aphex Twin is considerably more transparent on my solid state Cambridge.

It’s true I don’t know the exact age of this amp but PS install new tubes on all refurbished. I guess they might not if mine was essentially new.

How was your experience of break in? Did it make a big leap?


I have never listened to a BHK 250, but your experience is inconsistent with everything I have read about them to date.

I know that is what is disappointing.

I at least expected equivalence to my Cambridge out of the box.

I really don’t know about that.
I mentioned swapping tubes because that is something you can do to alter sound quality, albeit to a small degree.
The changes in SQ during the initial period for me were subtle as I recall, no big leaps.

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I have a BHK 250 and have been using it since it was introduced. Never would say it sounded muddy. I am using it with a BHK Pre and DS Mk II, so there could be a synergy factor at work.

With respect to tubes, I will say my tubes last a year or more with daily use. If your amp was indeed a recent purchase then traded in, the tubes, if not replaced by PS Audio, should have plenty of life left. Honestly, even if they were low hours PS Audio should have replaced the tubes since it is “refurbished“.

One recommendation, use the balanced connections. In my case I have all balanced components, but I did try RCA single ended cables just to see what happened. It wasn’t good is all I’ll say. I see both the Cambridge integrated and the incoming Holo pre have balanced connectors. No idea if either is truly balanced but use those outputs/inputs. Good luck!


I gotta say it… I’ve owned various Magnepans and the 20s… Those 1.7s just … well… you need to upgrade. I think using megabuck electronics on a lower-end speaker (a good one but still…) is upside down.

Sorry… butt (oh that big butt)… you are evaluating high-end equipment with a very mid-range speaker.

Bruce in Philly

I’m waiting on Silnote XLR cables. So, firstly I tried a decent set of RCA’s from the Cambridge. Nice tone but lacking definition. Then XLR direct from May Dac. Cleaner but still not what i was expecting.

Direct from the Dac I’m at around -30db! Jeez imagine 0db!! That could make a difference. Waiting on a Holo Pre but it’s supposed to be so transparent I wonder if it will make a difference.

How was your BHK break in experience? Was there much of a journey?

I seem to recall (it’s been at least six years) the usual break-in comments; a little thin sounding, maybe a little brittle in the upper frequencies, not as holographic as I expected. Took maybe a month of regular playing to find it’s happy place.