Octave or Bridge III?

Am considering a DirectStream JR purchase. Is there to be a Bridge III or is Octave the new Bridge III?.
Bit confused,

Paul talked about a Bridge iii being developed. He posted the Bridge ii didn’t have enough horsepower to operate Octave. He also posted that there would be an upgrade /trade in path from users moving from the Bridge ii to Bridge iii.

There’s some discussion on it in the “We’d like some help with Octave” thread. Paul weighed in on possible cost and trade in opportunities for Bridge upgrades.

To add to netspecht-2’s repsonse, Octave is the software they are developing for the new server. While I can’t recall the most recent estimate for release of the new server, it will be sometime next year. Paul has said the Bridge III (not the official name) will run the Octave software and will be released sometime after release of the server, so I would guess a minimum six months later. Presumably they want to get Octave functional for public release before trying to incorporate into Bridge III. One other thing, Bridge I and II were based on hardware/software developed by ConversDigital, Bridge III will be developed entirely by PS Audio. Given all that Bridge III is a long way off. Further complicating it for DS Jr owners, PS Audio is not sure how, or if, they will be able to retrofit Bridge III into the DS Jr. Not great news for a potential purchaser, but something to consider.

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I’m looking to use convolution filters. If I go the laptop using Roon route I can get this accomplished. Will the Octave server have accommodation for convolution filtering?

I asked this question and was told no.

jtwrace - this would be the only reason I would get Roon or JRiver… I’m using wireless router CAT7 output in another room to PSA DSD DAC controlling w/ Mconnect (UPnP; easy peasy) by IPAD III and was looking at laptop in music room with HDMI to TOSLINK into PSA DS DAC to see how much better the tailored sound is… then fast forward if I liked it and go Octave… :frowning:

Yeah, well, Roon with the DS and Bridge II does work…

jtwrace - yes it does. I just measured my music room with usb mic and laptop. I used laptop HDMI output through TOSLINK convertor into the PSA DS DAC; worked great. Downloading Roon on laptop and controlling TIDAL through that infrastructure is easy. Adding a convolution filter (SW) in the laptop, easy… not wanting the laptop in the music room - priceless… :slight_smile: So now I have an iPAD III and if I went Roon, I would need iPAD VI. I’m not paying $500 more for an iPAD VI when I hate iPAD(s). I can use iPAD III w/ Mconnect till the iPAD III dies. Then I will take my wife’s iPAD III and use it cause she never uses her iPAD III… :slight_smile: Controlling the router and NAS is easy peasy w/ Mconnect… However, need laptop for convolution filters…

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