Im very interested in the upgrade from the PWD to DS. I play direct to the power amps (no preamp) and in my system it’s important to have the output levels obtained from the PWD Mk II balanced ouptuts (around 5.6V). The RCA (at 2.8V) is just too low for some of my sources (AV) and some audio tracks.
Can you let me know the output voltage levels to expect from the upgraded DAC? Thanks.
The DirectStream is about 2.5dB lower than the PWD. Almost at the middle of the PWD balanced and the unbalanced.
Sorry, but I don’t know what that will mean when it comes out the speakers.
With the PWD the track I tested yields 72 db via RCA and I get 86 db via balanced I get 96 db. While this if fine with this track a lot of my material is quieter. Can you predict the db out from the DS with this track?
Whoops I’ll clarify that: With the PWD volume at 72 it yields 86 db via RCA and via balanced I get 96 db. Sorry about the confusion.
In terms of ticks on the volume control the DirectStream is 5 ticks higher, e.g. 100 on the DirectStream is about the same as 95 on the PWD. If you never need to go above 95 on the PWD you’ll be fine.
So, what is the 0dB point on the DS - is it 100?