p5 disapointments

I have been the owner of a P5 for 2 years now and are sometimes disappointed, that the sound sometimes is not as good at day as it is on night.This was just acquired during this time in the hope that I would get a sound enhancement,during the hours when the industry and people in the neighborhood are using the most power.

Now I have switched all my appliances to a SUPRA Powerstrip with a mild filter,with a sound enhancement as result.

Can you be cheated in the experience of regenerated power or is it coincidence that come into play, when the sound sometimes sounds better than other times?It must be said that the sound is best in week´ends and when the inner THD is between 0,7-0,8%.Over 1,0 % the sound sounds flat and undynamic.The outgoing THD is constantly 0,1%.

Suggestions for how to improve the sound of my Powerplant are welcome.



Better sound experienced during non-peak energy usage is common. Yes, my system sounds better at night, on weekends, and after a good rain. In all these instances my system sounds better with my PSA re-generator (PPP) in the system.

@adriaan No I disconnected all my appliances except my class-D amplifier and DAC from my P5 and connected them to a powerstrip.The P5 is connected to the same powerstrip.

@highwayman would it be possible that other factors than electricity could be responsible for lower fidelity during the day?

Like for example noise from car traffic outside, neighbours etc ?

If I am reading this correctly, then my advise would be to NOT use the power strip in front of the P5. Using the P5 directly from the wall outlet, with a good power cord should bring better results.

I agree with 4krow. Filters can restrict power and generally are not recommended to put in front of a Power Plant. Direct into the wall would be best (unless you have a PSA Soloist or PowerBase, which filter without appreciably restricting current flow).

I don´t know if any of you know SUPRA MD06 Powerconditioner but it filters without appreciably restricting current flow like PSA Soloist or Powerbase.Until now it is the best solution.

I would still suggest plugging the P10 directly into the wall to see if it makes a difference.

I had a similar experience in that I was mildly surprised and dismayed that my P10 did not eliminate all sonic differences between bad-powerline times (early evenings) and good powerline times (late evenings and overnite, weekends, weekend evenings—BEST!).

I believe this will be system and equipment dependent, but I suspect noise such as that from switching power supplies and fluorescent lights can get by the regenerator.

What I found best was to filter these as best I can at the sources… I eliminated most of the fluorescent lights in my home and I added snap-on filter chokes on every piece of electrical equipment that could feed noise back into the powerline such as the microwave, washer, driver, refrigerator, computers, etc.

Then I added parallel filtering on most of these lines (Quietlines/Noise Harvesters or filter chokes) and on the outlet my P10 is plugged into.

I do have a Soloist installed next to my non-filtered outlet at the stereo. While connecting my P10 through it provides a small benefit in reduced grudge, but to my ear it also reduces dynamics slightly. I prefer my P10 direct into the wall.

In my setup, even before the filtering, during the worst-powerline times my system sounded better WITH the P10 than it ever did during the best-powerline times WITHOUT.

YMMV (Seriously, I believe this is VERY system, equipment, situation, and listening-bias dependent!)

Greg in Mississippi

gstew said: In my setup, even before the filtering, during the worst-powerline times my system sounded better WITH the P10 than it ever did during the best-powerline times WITHOUT.

Yep, here too Greg. Except I'm running my P10 from a PowerBase, and the PowerBase from the wall, using AC12's. An AC12 from the P10 feeds another PowerBase, on top of which I have my PWDMkII / PWT. These are fed with 0.5M AC3's on PaulM's advice.

I've also tried the P10 directly, but still prefer it fed from the PowerBase. I do not experience any restriction, but my P10 is idling at around 35% max ... never higher. Maybe that helps?

With the DS apparently not that (interconnect) cable dependant, I want to perhaps try to move the DS much further away from the rest of the equipment, using a 3rd powerbase and a 3M USB (I2S) cable.

But this fun will have to wait till May, I'm afraid .... :)

I can add this. I did a post on this forum about proper supporting installation of power for audio and video

Purposes. It’s rather long and I would be happy as other to explain what is not understood. Now if this was done I could understand your dilemma if not , it would need to be done first . As for the P10 /5 it makes a big enough difference to me in both audio and video all the time. As for say and night listening I have read this from many on many forums . I do not have an answer for this and I am an electrical contractor. What confuses me is people saying ifs worse during the day . When peak usage is at night , although the sun and heat do effect things . So I not saying ifs not true for you. Where I live in ny is very high demand for power and never have had the situation you describe. But I will admit noise on the line is a major cause for this to happen. One thing I would try and goes against what most say here is this. Adjust the output for a lower voltage than the input . My theory in this May be wrong but if the input voltage is lower than the output it should be harder to Maintain. Now it’s worth a try as it will not hurt anything . Please post results to help us all. If you cannot find my post . Ask I will post it here as well.


alrainbow said: Adjust the output for a lower voltage than the input . My theory in this May be wrong but if the input voltage is lower than the output it should be harder to Maintain.

One very important remark you've just made.

My theory differs slightly.

Power plants works equally hard cutting or boosting voltage.

The less you cut/boost, the less the Power Plant has to work ... and, depending on the load, the better it sounds.

So, I say: (e.g., for 230V countries): Find your input avg .. if it's 235V, set your power plant accordingly.

Within limits, of course.

If you get (e.g.) 195V .... oi you have no choice you have to boost. But, don't boost to 230V, boost to (say) 215V.

You're getting 240V? I'll be tempted to just leave it there. 245V or more ..? Tone it down to 240V.

I understand what your saying and simply put the as the input is lower it will use more current . Now exactly what is going on inside the regenerator is conjecture on my part. But as there is no harm in trying it would be intristing to see there response. An example of trying to figure other situations here was mine. In my home in North Carolina I live in the woods a single line of 230 volt is my feeder to a local transformer. So it’s a neutral and one phase or two of the three phases . Now as I do not know how it is transmitted to me and I never used a scope to look I have no answer . Now the power blinks often. It goes out sometimes for a few mins or longer but it also just blinks. So in my mind I purchased a large 230 in 125 volt output ups.

And all the audio video stuff is powered from it. Now given it’s far more powerful it should be fine. Well it’s not. Using direct power makes the bass tighter and stronger easy to hear . I tried one of the P10 I have

After the ups and it still stinks . Only when I use the P10 directly or direct power from dedecated outlets does all improvements become available . So the ups is limiting things somehow. Now given a P10 is along the lines of this but foar more pure one would think it too would have ill effects but it most defitetly improves things. But does not help me if things start to glitch. Anyway so my point is this power distribution used for audio and video is a slippery slope of triel and error. So trying anything without harm may help.


I would have to agree that each situation is different, but that is exactly why experimentation is needed. In my house, there seems to be some kind of glitch that happens randomly. I have done more than most people to solve this problem. I must admit that my efforts have helped the system sound better, but for other reasons than what I was chasing in the first place. Overall, there are many things that one can do to improve the suspect incoming power. Al has stated in other posts how he has done this, and I would agree with a lot of what he has to offer. There is probably even more that can be done, so keep trying what might work best for your situation.