Popping BHK fuses

Turn amps on last and off first.


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I agree that power amps go on last. But if you put your PS Audio gear in standby, I don’t think it matters.
Neither of my preamps even have power switches, so they’re never off. My PST is put in standby. So when I stumble into the listening room in the morning, I just take my amps out of standby and off I go.

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PSA manuals for the BHK Pre and the BHK Amp state the preamp should be on before the amp to avoid the thump. I dont know which is better, so I follow the manuals. Regards.


Yes there is very much said about turning source on berfore power amps…

However…having blown fuses in one of my preamps due to
inrush current created by my former A21 power amp…
For me then sources are powered up after power amp.

The affected preamp self mutes before fully on…
while preamps of yore could create a turn on thump
or similar effect…my preamps do not…and always
volume control is set to low level before power on…

So while there is a given protocol…on what powers
up first…and good common sense …the writers
of such protocols don’t pay for my fuses…

So I appreciate y’alls suggestions…I stay with my
game plan…

Thanks everyone!!

Best wishes

I use the remote control to power my system up and even from sleep mode, when the BHK awakes, there is a delay before the amps power up via remote lead. Surely I can’t be the only person here who does this? The only “thump” or audible, powering-up indication I ever get is from the speakers (with built in powered subs) when I’m flipping the hard power switch on the rear of my P10.

I have all PSA all solid state units on Standby (PST, DACSr) and tubed PSA units (BHKPre, 300’s) powered on via main but waiting to be fully on from the remote, like you. This reduces the effect of surge currents due to “timing” each unit comes on and is best for tube life.

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I have to admit to being fairly new to high end stereo. I appreciate your logic and your info. As I’m learning so much right now, all input is good. No disrespect meant.

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None take jerry-hendel…perhaps my post could possibly
come off that way …but never intended…

Just my ole idiosyncratic self…

You are okay friend…

Best wishes