Is possible at all to request a fixed volume out option for the pwd like every other dacs out there?
For those of us that doesn’t like to go direct. And yes i know i can increase the volume to 100 but that’s not the point.
@daphan1 What a great idea. I have wondered why we cannot fix the volume out at 100%.
What is the point? I don’t see the difference.
Others have previously requested that the PWD remain at whatever volume was chosen, even if the power is removed, or an absolute limit could be set. This would protect the speakers of those who use the PWD into an amp directly.
For those of us that use a preamp, there is little value at having a 100% fixed setting; I can simply set it to 100%. It would be nice to have the volume go back to 100%, not 50%, when booting up or after a loss of power however. Fortunately it is trivial to raise the volume.
I’d be happy if touching the far right end of the volume slider didn’t make the volume go down. As it is now, I have to touch the slider at about 85% and then use the plus button to get to 100. That’s far more of a pain then having to turn it up from 50. Firmware is 2.2.0.
I found that 100% is not always ideal. Of course it’s depends on the type of music (and the recording volume level).
Besides, why limit yourself ?
Peanut Butter said: That's far more of a pain then having to turn it up from 50.
Admittedly, this is a tiny bit greater bother but still trivial. :)
First world problems.
What is the point? I don't see the difference.
Hi Paul,
This should be a simple option to implement without much fuss. I guess the point is when your bridge keeps dying and you have to do a reset regularly or your dac simply restart itself now and then it's a bit annoying having to increase the volume all the way back up to 100 all the time.
Ahh, ok, I get it. We’ve always erred on the side of safety where the DAC comes up at 50 just to be safe. I suppose we could program it to come up where you left it, although that might make some nervous if they left it loud …
The Bridge having to reset is something we’re working on fixing and it should not happen as often as it does.
What about 2 Golden Audiophile rules?
1/ Always set the volume to zero before turning off your system.
2/ Always turn your amp[s] on last after checking status of the front end.
What about 2 Golden Audiophile rules?
1/ Always set the volume to zero before turning off your system.
2/ Always turn your amp[s] on last after checking status of the front end.
Golden rules for sure and common sense!
Ahh, ok, I get it. We've always erred on the side of safety where the DAC comes up at 50 just to be safe. I suppose we could program it to come up where you left it, although that might make some nervous if they left it loud ....
In this case, what level should be preprogrammed during initialization when a new firmware version is loaded?
I turn off my preamp when switching firmware just out of an abundance of caution.
I first listen at very low volume on the preamp just to make certain nothing odd has happened and that music is actually coming out.
Ahh, ok, I get it. We've always erred on the side of safety where the DAC comes up at 50 just to be safe. I suppose we could program it to come up where you left it, although that might make some nervous if they left it loud ....
Some may not like this option, but how about it powers up at the volume where it was left, but in Mute? Repeatability and Safety.
Ahh, ok, I get it. We've always erred on the side of safety where the DAC comes up at 50 just to be safe. I suppose we could program it to come up where you left it, although that might make some nervous if they left it loud ....
Some may not like this option, but how about it powers up at the volume where it was left, but in Mute? Repeatability and Safety.
My integrated amp is powered down via my P5 and always defaults to mute when power is restored. This is a very good safety measure IMO.