Roon sound?

There is a fairly decent Roon server inside a Grimm MU2. Pretty nice DAC as well.


I had my son and daughter-in-law over for dinner last night.
I had music going via Roon.
To use an Al-ism, it sounded nice.


The Grimm MU2 is a superb machine. Check out Michael Lavorgnaā€™s review. To me it sounds just as good as he says. It also makes for a very simple system. You just need an amp and speakers.

Review: Grimm Audio MU2 Music Player - Twittering Machines


Your probably talking about me.

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I didnā€™t intend that as a slam. I draw the line at over $300 fuses. We all make choices. Hopefully we all enjoy them.

I know i mentioned this in another post, but this teenager does employ some Roon EQ for a couple of zones. If the situation is sub-optimal, like powered desktop speakers in the sunroom, or outdoor speakers on the patio, or for my Apple hi-fi unit in the garage, some EQ can help squeeze out a little more presence.

but i wonā€™t tell you about it shhhhh


Oh that is perfectly valid. Plus, you have always struck me as perfectly sensible.


Iā€™ve been reading what you guys have been putting down - hopefully I will have an MU2 in the next week or two.

Aside from having a better sounding system, Iā€™m also thinking about all the money Iā€™m saving on power cables, interconnects, acoustic isolation, and fuses! As much as Iā€™ve grown to dislike DSPs/machines over the years I have no desire to use them (or learn how to use them) anymore than the bare minimum to forget theyā€™re there, no Roon EQing for me.



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So my P15 with an M2 fuse is pretty much broken-in. Now when running through the Roon core on my PC, the hash has become fatiguing at times. I switched back to Mconnect direct to AirLens until I receive the MU2.

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