Semi-hermetic sealing of components

Every component in its own compartment shelf with mu-metal covered walls (think of a shelf compartment), open for visible front panels of course.
Oh and a coating of RF absorbant over the whole structure externally and on the walls between components. There might be materials available that are both highly permeable and RF absorbing…

So… Basically just a size-adjusted compartment shelf with straightforward clever covering. For the cabling, a slim enough slit lined behind every shelf…

Feasible? Why not?

It can of course be nice to the eyes if the technical materials are encased under a beautiful veneer or what have you…

problem is, that means longer leads between components which brings its own problems (see Ted’s paitient explanation to would be modders that replacing SMD capacitors in the DS DAC with “boutique” components would likely worsen performance).
i’m not saying it couldn’t be done though :slight_smile: