Sprout + Elac Bundle Upgrade Path

The Sprout + Elac Bundle is a great idea for introducing beginners to the high end audio hobby. But where does the newbie go from there? There is a big gap between this bundle and the rest of your amplifier offerings. Just wondering are their any upgrade path plans in PS Audio’s future entry level line up? For example, you could offer a $1500, $2k, $2.5k … bundles using the existing Sprout and larger/better Elac speakers. Or, even consider offering a more powerful Sprout, say 75-100 watt/channel along with upgraded Elac speakers. Just a brain fart.

Welcome Victor! Yes, these are some great ideas and things that we absolutely want to have in the future. We do have plans to have more in the Sprout line up, but who’s to say when that will be.
We did a cool demo a while ago when we were back in the office. We used the right and left output from the Sprout and fed it to an S300. At the time we had a customer’s Zu Dirty Weekends hooked up and the differences going back and forth between the S300 and the Sprout’s amp were quite a bit bigger than the whole team was expecting.

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I’m not really sure what more I’d want from the Sprout? The price is great for the features and performance. I feel like you get a little more than you pay for with it… I suppose it would be cool if my remote switched between cd/phono and bluetooth…

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