Moodsville! What a great label/sub-label!
For those that on occasion stream their music, Sony offers the Ellington in Order series. A sonic upgrade, especially for Duke’s earliest recordings, in comparison to some of the earlier 1990’s era CDs.
Summarizing from the Steve Hoffman site:
From the late 1920s through the 1970s pianist, composer and bandleader Duke Ellington was a mainstay of the Victor, Columbia, Okeh and Brunswick jazz catalogs. Recognizing the value and historical importance of those recordings, Sony Music is launching a complete reassessment of the Duke’s body of work, refreshing and presenting each track owned by SME’s labels chronologically. This new initiative, designed specifically for Digital Service Providers, and overseen by longtime Jazz producer Chuck Granata, includes singles and concept albums and is titled, “Ellington In Order .
I’ve had all this material for years–fantastic music, recommended.
I, too, agree. Quality…