Uh-oh ONZOW (stylus cleaning thread)

READ this thoroughly rather than just reacting. It’s absolute garbage. This is far from a conclusive or mildly scientific report.
First of all, not all inspected styli were cleaned with the Onzow. Some were cleaned with another type of cleaner altogether and others used a different brand of gel cleaner.
Second, we don’t know how the stylus looked before (some of them were pre-owned).
Third, the “gel like” material they claim to have found, monomers, is just a building block of vinyl record itself!

What is vinyl?
Vinyl is made from chlorine and ethylene, with various additives to impart flexibility, rigidity, fluidity, or thickness. Vinylinfo.org explains that the ethylene in vinyl is obtained by processing, or cracking, hydrocarbon-based raw materials (petroleum, natural gas or coal) into polymers. The chlorine half of the vinyl polymer is not derived from hydrocarbons and is readily available and inexpensive. Ethylene and chlorine combine to form ethylene dichloride, which is transformed into vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). The final polymerization step converts the monomer into vinyl polymer known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or simply “vinyl.” Chemical modifiers are then added to achieve the various properties desired in vinyl end-products.

What surprises me is the lack of response from the manufacturers.
Since I have no knowledge on the subject, I just stopped using my Onzow and DS-Audio ST-50.
I’m sure I’m not alone in my reaction and the mfrs must be feeling at least some impact on sales.
If anyone has seen a response from Onzow, please post a link.


Peter Ledermann founder of Soundsmith, who seems credible as reported by many, says to use Blu-Tack and do not use an Onzow Zero-Dust. Check his site for how he recommends using the Blu-Tack.

Ever since this issue was raised, I started looking at my stylus with a magnifying glass and occasionally with a loupe. I have seen no evidence of any residue whatsoever. I assume if you were forceful in use, this could happen.

Yet another example in the HiFi world of alternate opinions.

Do what you think is best and carry on listening to music.

Turn it up!


Team Residue are the modern incarnation of the folks who, in the 1960s-1980s always used pocket-protectors, car seat and sofa covers, and clear plastic runners across their green fake shag carpets! Yes?

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I am glad you didn’t “dis” my slide rule. I’d have to hunt you down and teach you a thing or two about calculating the product of two numbers! :disguised_face:

I kept my ONZOW around, but have blended in a couple of others, including ultrasonic, so it isn’t the same thing every time. I actually listen to the hum when I’m doing ultrasonic cleaning to help be aware of pressure. After having spent many thousands on vinyl playback, this seems completely reasonable at the price of styli, tonearms, phono stages, isolation, tweaks, etc.

Nerdy? It is. There is something VERY important to being able to just enjoy some tunes without over thinking “the rig”. But, if it’s Mr. Cheap (who lives next to Mr. Free) and arguably better? That’s what makes the nerdy hobby fun, too.

Take your pick:

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I’d also like to see ONZOW formally respond. You’d think they would!

Guessing they haven’t responded because responding to every troll is tiring at best.

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