So you guys sold me, I just ordered the Matrix, a cheap HDMI Cable(Pangea HD23PC Premier SE…i’ll upgrade later) and a 9v power supply.
**Just wanted to make sure, is this the power supply people are using? - " iFi iPower Low Noise DC Power Supply with International Travel Adapters 9V":
I read in the other strings that alot of people are using the iFi iPower 5v power supply…is there a reason for using the 5v version? I see on the back of the matrix it says to use 6v-9v DC power. Which one are you guys using with your Matrix?
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Congratulation on getting a Matrix. You will have fun with this one. iFi 5v is fine. 9v will work also but the extra voltage will just be converted to heat and the Matrix will feel warmer and probably have a shorter live span according to Ted Smith. I started with the iFi 5v also. When you can afford it, get one of the better power supply and you will be surprised how much better it will sound. You could use a higher voltage with these other LPS, but I feel it’s not worth the wasted heat that is generated for if anything, a miniscule increase in SQ, if any at all. I use 6v which is recommended, on mine and never look back.
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I’m reading the other string…it’s extremely long.
What are your dip switch settings?
Im seeing people picking these options ->
DOP Native: On
IIS Reverse: Off
I also read that Ted Smith said that even if the Matrix converts the content from DOP to native DSD then it’s just converted back to DOP…is that correct? If so whats the point of this?
What is shown when you’re playing a DOP file from your computer? Does it show DOP on the DSD Sr?..or does it show DSD?
Nevermind, someone provided a screenshot:
Thats so freaking cool!! I can’t wait for it to get here.

I just cancelled the order for the ifi 9v and order this one instead:
Its adjustable and can do 6V…I also like that the transformer is distanced from the plug since I’ll be installing this to my P12.
Haven’t seen anybody use that LPS before. Doesn’t look very high quality. Not sure you will hear any improvements with that one. I guess you are the guinea pig. Let us know how it sounds. No big lost if it is no good. But if it is really good, you’re into something.
Well, I am plugging that cheap LPS into my P12…hoping that will do most of the noise filtering heavy lifting.
Couple quick questions:
Im seeing people picking these options ->
DOP Native: On
IIS Reverse: Off
I also read that Ted Smith said that even if the Matrix converts the content from DOP to native DSD then it’s just converted back to DOP…is that correct? If so whats the point of this? lol
Since Ted Smith say to leave them all off, I think that is the way to go. It changes to DOP anyway even if it is on. You should also check this out.
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Hmm, interesting but doesn’t the DMP output DSD? Wouldn’t this be the same thing?
You can leave the DOP Native: On also. I don’t think there is any difference in sound quality. I just switched mine to On and the screen shows DSD instead of DOP with my server playing a DSD file.
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Canceled the powseed for a belker(slightly better brand)…same deal though. It’s got to be better than USB power when it’s going through the P12 right?
Also, maybe I can install a ferrite bead on the DC side to further help with noise…I still have the one that came with my P12. 
Looks like the same power supply with a different name to me. Anyway, you can try it. It doesn’t cost much. Did you check out the video I sent you in the earlier post?
This is a Switching Mode Power Supply which is not linear and definitely not something you want to use with the Matrix. There is the chance it will create noise in your system that has the ability propagate to other components in your system, even with the P10 in place. You would be better off powering it with USB in my opinion. If you are not able (or don’t want) to purchase a reputable LPS, I would simply use USB to power the Matrix. Going the cheap SMPS route with these types of power adapters will not enhance sound quality and could very well be detrimental.
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Yes, I did.
I do like Kevin. He does a great review of my M6si.
That may be an upgrade I do down the line…I agree that power supply is far better than a switching power supply like the belker LPS…but the sbooster is expensive. When you include the ‘Upgrade for The BOTW P&P ECO 5-6v Power Supply’ the sbooster costs more than the matrix.
You don’t need to spend $400 on an Sbooster or Uptone this will work fine.
Isn’t the ifi 5v that everyone is using also a switching power supply?
…well, at least I know people are liking that one…I’ll just go back to that one.
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Yes, it does cost a bit, but it does bring the performance of the Matrix to a whole different level. Maybe down the road you can think about it, but I wouldn’t waste my time with these lesser power supplies. I believe they are a waste of time and money.
I just went back to the ifi 5v…at least there seemed to be a great deal of people with good luck with that one.
In the future I will upgrade.
Good decision. I used the iFi 5v for awhile with good results. When you are ready for a better one, check the forum to get good suggestions. There are a few that are really good.
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