A new DAC, $216,000

But, concurrently, DCS threatened lawsuit against a reviewer, though later apologized and fired the director of marketing that made the threat

Ah, another wonderful TAS production, instantly identifiable by the crimson question-based lazy clickbait text overlays.


a marketing company for advertisers, but it’s something to page through

Got to wonder, does it really sound impressive, or are they just afraid of getting sued?


Maybe the lawsuit would have been interesting. I would have directed the judge toward usury and poor value for money. If he’s not an audiophile, let’s see how he sees it. Where should the journey go? :see_no_evil: Grimm MU2 and Powerzone are a bargain.:wink:

Only MSB would have benefited from such an action.

Yeah good, a $216,000 DAC. Don’t be embarrassed if you buy one. Promise we won’t think you’re a nitwit.
But then my father was just as incredulous that I spent $.37 per gallon for Sunoco 260 for my SS396. (13:1)


I willing to bet this DAC does break new ground on some levels, but whether or not it’s supremely musical might be another story.

And if someone can afford it, including the cost of 5 top flight power cords, so figure another 100K, and they like it, then the manufacture and customer walk away happy.

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$216,000? dCS? I’m going to stop here due the fear of a potential lawsuit!


It is all relative and value is in the eye (and wallet) of the beholder.

Vivre et laisser vivre


…and this forum is the target market, HA!


I think it needs more Powerzone

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Don’t let Gryphon get new ideas and fantasies over price tags!

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"…one born every minute …


MSB will need to keep up, their top dog is only 100k :laughing:


MSB working on Sentinel, about $250,000

Of course it has to be higher than DCS.

Can’t see a SACD/CD unit, pretty odd. Maybe it will be available as add-on.

5+1 pieces stacked, an impressive tower indeed!

I now feel relieved, lol

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