Answers to COVID questions

My wife and I have signed up with the over 65 and health issues group at the county health department. They said that they are receiving 700 doses a week and have at least 12,000 people on wait list. They are hoping to have us vaccinated by July so we are still laying low.

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Just got a negative result after a big ski trip. Thank goodness.

I get my vaccine after those in jail, which seems funkier than a Sly album, but also makes good sense to me.

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I got a negative covid test from the hospital before being admitted for some GI tests but still no appointment to receive the vaccine. My wife does have an appointment to receive her first vaccine shot on Wednesday. Happy days!
Other good news is my mother who lives in a long term care facility has received both shots so at least the virus wont kill her. I have only seen her once since October due to positive tests and cases in her facility. Her phone has stopped working so I ave to find another that she will be able to operate and see if the maintenance staff will hook it up for her.


Good news, indeed.

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Thanks @Elk . Hopefully everyone here will make it thru being vaccinated without having to endure the disease. It is most certainly an opportunistic killer.


Genetically, my white blood cells are lower than average. As a precaution, I did the test before getting the initial jab.

Safely vaccinated. Anyone who wants to visit me doesn’t need to bring a mask. :wink:


Will there be cake?

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There is ALWAYS cake here. And AeroPress coffee. Hope you can make it.

(Youngest’s half-birthday. Get it?)


Aeropress can produce very good coffee. Unfortunately I would need to use mine five times to get the pint mug of coffee with which I start the day :frowning:

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Just got my second Pfizer dose, waiting the 15 minutes to see if I get a reaction. Gotta think on the ride home what’s the appropriate album for first vaccinated listen. I have to admit I do feel a sense of elation and hope for normalcy in the world.


Congratulations. It’s quite a relief, especially for those immunosuppressed among us.



It will be a good while before I am eligible to be vaccinated but I am looking forward to it.

Indeed. I am in a Study at MSKCC to see how the vaccine works in transplant patients. Means having my bloods tested about 10 times over the next year but I get so many blood tests anyway it’s no bother.


Thank you for volunteering to do so. I know what you mean about blood tests. I think
I have more holes than veins at this point. What’s one more extra tube, right??


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I got my first shot almost 2 weeks ago, at the same time and place that my wife got her second. How convenient! Next one is March 25.

The relief is palpable, indeed.


Wife and I get our second shot on Monday; my M700 pair and SGCD/Pre are due to ship on Tuesday. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Another :+1: for volunteering for the study. Additional research like this will help a lot of people.

Thanks Elk and Mike too but no thanks are necessary, I am paying forward the folks who made my treatment and care possible and more comfortable. There were so many people who helped me through the bad times and if I can in this small way offer some payback it’s a privilege.


A wonderful approach.