Denmark says Covid is no longer a ‘socially critical disease.’

Please do not overturn Political Attitudes. I’m not interested in whether you want to be vaccinated or not. Information from your own country’s official health authority is welcome. I would like to hear about when the US opens up to tourists, etc. Thank you in advance.

All information is from the official Danish health authorities.

The government will not extend the categorization of covid-19 as a socially critical disease in Denmark

27-08-2021Press releaseCOVID-19
The current categorization of covid-19 as a socially critical disease will end on September 10, 2021. The government has decided not to extend this categorization. This is partly due to the large vaccination support, and partly to the strong epidemic control.

The decision not to extend covid-19’s status as a socially critical disease was made after involving the professional reference group, the Epidemic Commission and the health authorities.

Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke states:

The epidemic is under control, we have record high vaccination rates. Therefore, on September 10, we can drop some of the special rules we have had to introduce in the fight against covid-19. The government has promised not to hold on to the measures any longer than was necessary, and there we are now. But even though we are in a good place right now, we are not out of the epidemic. And the government will not hesitate to act quickly if the pandemic again threatens important functions in our society.

Categorization as a socially critical disease is what has made it possible to introduce a number of the special rules we have had in dealing with covid-19, such as assembly bans, coronapas requirements and bandages requirements.

When the categorization ceases, it therefore means that a number of provisions in the Epidemic Act no longer apply. This means, among other things, that the remaining restrictions in the reopening agreement from June 2021 will end, as there will no longer be a legal basis to maintain them. These are specific requirements for corona passes in connection with certain major events and in the nightlife.

It is extremely positive that the Danes are so willing to both protect themselves but also others from infection by being vaccinated. In a short time, 75 percent of the Danish population has been vaccinated. We are currently vaccinating down to 12 years. This year, Denmark encourages children up to the age of 2 to be vaccinated with cold sores, as we expect a sharp increase due to the fact that society has been shut down.

02-06-2021 - The Danes largely support the vaccination program

Five months into the Danish vaccination program against COVID-19, the Danes show a great willingness to be vaccinated. In the first nine target groups that were offered vaccination, 94.9 percent received the first vaccination stick.

On 27 December 2020, Denmark launched an ambitious vaccination program, where the goal is to offer vaccination against COVID-19 to all Danes aged 16 and over. The first target groups to be offered vaccination were the most vulnerable and the most vulnerable citizens, who risked the most difficult courses of the disease.

Initially, it was nursing home residents followed by people aged 65 and over who received practical help and personal care, frontline staff in the health and social services, selected people with a particularly increased risk of serious illness and selected relatives of these, as well as all citizens born in 1956 or earlier.

These citizens are invited for vaccination in nine separate target groups, and the total support for the first vaccination plug for these is almost 95 percent.

1.Nursing home residents 95.7
2. Persons born in 1956 and older who receive practical help and personal care (65+ years) 91.9
3. Persons born in 1936 and older (85+ years) 95.4
4. Staff in the health service and parts of the social service 98.4
5. Selected persons at particularly increased risk of serious illness 92.6
Selected relatives of persons at particularly increased risk of a serious course of illness 91.8
7. Persons aged 80-84 years 96.0
8. Persons aged 75-79 years 95.8
9. Persons aged 65-74 years 93.6
A total of 94.9

Support for the development of the Danish Covid-19 vaccine
The government has decided to support the company Bavarian Nordic with DKK 800 million. DKK for the development of a Danish Covid-19 vaccine.

Denmark is currently in a situation where the supply of vaccines against corona is so good that all Danes who want it have the opportunity to be vaccinated. However, it remains uncertain how Covid-19 will develop, and the government therefore continues to pursue a number of different tracks in its long-term vaccine strategy to ensure medium- and long-term vaccine preparedness. One of the tracks is support for new Danish vaccine candidates, which aims to develop and test new technologies.

Based on the strategy, the government has decided to support Bavarian Nordic with DKK 800 million. DKK for the development of a new Danish Covid-19 vaccine. Due to the EU state aid rules, the EU Commission must also approve that the Danish state supports the development of the vaccine. The EU Commission has d.d. approved that the Danish state allocates repayable state aid of up to DKK 800 million. DKK for Bavarian Nordic’s development of a Danish Covid-19 vaccine.

The vaccine was originally developed by AdaptVac, which is a Danish joint venture between the companies ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies and NextGen Vaccines, which originated from the research community at the University of Copenhagen. AdaptVac has entered into a licensing agreement with Bavarian Nordic, which gives Bavarian Nordic the global commercial rights to the new Covid-19 vaccine. Bavarian Nordic is responsible for the further development and establishment of production and the support is therefore awarded to Bavarian Nordic.

About the vaccine
The vaccine, originally developed by AdaptVac, is based on the technology “Virus Like Particles” (VLP), which is a well-known vaccine technology that is considered safe and effective. It can be stored at normal refrigerator temperature, which allows it to be used in parts of the world that do not have high purchasing power.

Recently published phase I data showed that the vaccine was well tolerated, showed strong booster effect and showed strong neutralization of SARS-CoV2 variants, including the Delta variant. If everything goes according to plan, application for approval of the vaccine may be submitted by the end of 2022 vaccines should undergo a professional evaluation by the European Medicines Agency, which will assess the efficacy and safety of the vaccine before a marketing authorization can be issued by the European Commission.


That’s great news for Denmark Michael!

The US should have gotten to the same place by now. Unfortunately the current trend here is for people to stick with their tribe no matter where it leads them or the nation as a whole.


Is there a plan for when tourists may re-enter the United States?

The countries of the free world all have the same problem. We were not forced to vaccinate. The free thoughts choose for themselves.

I hope EU or individual European states don’t ban travel from the US, since I’m due there in a month. Vaccinated, of course.

Michael, according to the EU’s suggested travel restrictions today, the US is not currently doing well with its handing of COVID-19.

“The last word will come from each individual E.U. country, which has the authority to impose their own restrictions. In other words, it’s going to be a messy patchwork of different rules and regulations across the continent.” The USA is yellow in Denmark

Is anyone able to answer Michael’s question?

You need to examine each EU country what the rules are.

Removing legislation after it’s no longer needed, that’s a nice change…

Holy moly, I gave this topic/thread an hour to survive here. I am surprised it has lived this long.

(And I believe the opening post was thoughtful and worthwhile but the topic oh my!)


Here is the best site I have found addressing tourists coming to the States:


I’m closing this topic as Michael’s question has been answered and the thread is verging on going off of the rails.