Audiophile cannabis strains

wow, celestial dose…

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I’m a little older than you and now that you mention it, it never crossed my mind all those years ago that someday cannabis might be legal. I guess I never cared because it was so easy to get.


Traditionally, Sativa gave a good head high while Endeca (sp?) gave the big body high. I always preferred Endeca (skunk).


first time and only time tried weed back in 2008 in Toronto with a high school pal. He was also the one got me seriously considering a hi-fi rack.

Now, it seems it’s time to seriously considering trying this “mystical” vegitation. Where do I find the dragon of weed? Anyone? In New York?

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My medical career would have gone “up in smoke” had I tested positive on one of the random screening tests I took. I had to abstain for many years.


You’re not alone in that regard.


Government security clearance prevented unfettered enjoyment….

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Same here, NRC actually. All considering it was probably a good thing, alcohol was actually more of a concern which was also tested for, among other things. I recall having to side step bagels with poppy seeds due to testing results yielding false positives. My understanding is Belgian Nuclear Reactor operators allowed the consumption of beer in the late '70s and early '80s in the Main Control Room, and possibly the Dutch as well.


The following helped me to remember the type…“in-the-couch” for Indica. Tunes and in-the-couch…oh my!

When I sold my Internet business in 2000 the new owner (a heavy pot smoker) informed me that they were going to to do drug tests on all my employees. “That will not be necessity” I told him. “I have tested all my employees on a variety of drugs and they all handled them well”. “And the first person you are going to find positive is me”. The drug tests never happened.


Went to a cannabis festival this summer in a medical only state. Figured “what could they be selling”? Bought a cookie called a $5 FU up about the size of a quarter. Downed the entire thing. Two hrs later I got back home and the ride began. I guess the batch didn’t get stirred enough! For the next six hours I thought I bought the farm. Dialed 91… but couldn’t hit the last digit! This certainly wasn’t my first rodeo as they say but jeez luweezz!


Admittedly old school but still effective.

Me visiting friends in London, Ontario August 1980 amidst their poolside shrubbery.


Those Canadians sure know how to live!


A friend of mine gave me a 16 oz can of a cannabis beverage. I read the side of the can and thought this would be no issue. I was in a hurry so I drank it down quick. I got in my car and started driving home. Along the way the music I was playing got a lot more engaging as time went on. When I finally got home I sat down in my listening chair and basically enjoyed tripping for the next five hours. It wasn’t a problem, but drinking two of those cans I am guessing would be.

Bringing new meaning to the term HIGH fidelity.


Back in the mid '70’s, I had three plants situated outside along our fence. They were only 18" tall at that point. This was late June. My parents took us kids on the yearly vacation, returning around mid July. Well, those plants had grown to nearly four feet. When they asked me what they were, I told them they were False Aralia’s. No problems after that . :wink:
You be the judge…


The plant doesn’t look like what I associate with cannabis so I did a Google search on the image and it came back as False Aralia. Is that what they are?

These are two clearer close-up shots of the “shrubbery” in the photo I previously posted.


Yours is the “real deal”. To the uninitiated, It passes as False Aralia.


By the way, if you are testing your ability to keep from smiling while enjoying Audiophile Grade Pipeweed, do not listen to this excellent Album:

She makes me smile.
She has issues though.