BHK Pre volume click and sound change

A hiss when move the volume? Not for my BHK Pre. I change volume level often but I’ve never heard a hiss from my speakers by moving the volume.
When no music is playing and I carefully listen, I can hear a very gentle soft click from the speakers with volume turns. I don’t usually notice that while I’m playing music.

My Rogue Athena (now in my second system) makes a hissing sound when I use the remote to change the volume (motor-driven stepped attenuator). Doesn’t bother me, nor do the clicks my BHK Pre makes. I have not noticed any hiss from the BHK when changing volume. Might be a speaker sensitivity thing.

Clicks during volume change is very normal. Anything described as hiss? Not normal at all. I just installed the BHK pre into my system at home and there is nothing even close to a hiss happening.

I’m also able to run balanced all of the way through which helps with the clicking 10 fold. If the music is playing, you can’t hear the clicking at all.


I too use a BHK preamp in my system and though you can hear the clicks at three distinct points due to the discreet level pads, I have no issue with hiss or any noises whatsoever when listening or adjusting the volume whether via the front panel or the remote. My speakers are 93 db per watt sensitive which is fairly high sensitivity. The sound is holographic and musical. My BHK preamp is not going anywhere either.

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