BHK preamp and BHK 250 power amp tube rolling

FYI - I have read all the previous tube rolling threads. My question is the following: Which has the greatest affect on sound quality when tube rolling the BHK Pre or BHK 250 Amp. I own both of these products. Thank you.

I dont know for sure but it makes the most sense that the preamp would be modifying the lowest level signal so it would have the most influence.
I fooled around with tubes a little on my BHK preamp and BHK 300’s. It’s more than I want to keep track of or care about but it was interesting that after all of the interest in having a system that measures “near perfect” but then add a bunch of distortion to make it more fun to listen to.
Only an audiophile would make that decision. :thinking:
Hope this helps!

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The tubes in both the BHK pre and 250 equally matter. I put Apos 12AU7’s in the pre and the difference was substantial and quite rewarding. Recently I found a pair of Amperx Holland 6922’s in my stash and placed them in the 250 and was equally as impressed with the improvement. The improvements in textures, tone, low level detail and soundstage were significant.

The Amprex tubes have a few miles on them and they still sound better than anything else I’ve tried. I definitely plan on replaces them with some NOS Amprex Hollands.