From what I can see, in your picture, you’re blocking the vents on bottom completely. Yes all vents must be clear so convection can remove the heat from the unit.
Thanks George. I added some spacers. Will see if that helps…….but seems weird that it doesn’t shutdown when music is playing for hours - but DOES shutdown when no signal passing through.
Going to test the spacer theory….and stop the music and see what happens.
Agreed TJ. Opening up the bottom vents is a free and quick test. Not passing a signal could be using a circuit not in use when playing music. As Paul mentioned it could be a thermal issue. If you’re comfortable with troubleshooting you could open her up and go at it with a heat gun and freeze spray.
The reason the preamp was not shutting down when playing music is it runs in full class A. Class A generates the most heat at idle. When music is playing the power is used to provide music instead of creating heat. Don’t get me wrong it still creates heat but at a lower level. Never obstruct ventilation.