Vee your Siemen cca and 6922s include RCAs and other unused nos…
will happily more than likely outlast your gear and even sadly perhaps yourself…
Unless of course they are being run too hot…but Fisher did the same and
my very old 60’s Teles still alive and kicking quick to tell the new manufacture
(new kids on the block) of old famous names…who the real boss is
I have been reluctant to spill the beans, but the 1956 Radiotechnique 12AU7s from Upscale are amazing in the BHK pre. Dead quiet, amazing bass and soundstage. Don’t tell anyone…
For those who are looking for that next level tube — I’ve just posted for sale on this forum a barely used matched pair of the Telefunken ECC802S. PM if interested.
Those are darned good tubes in the Prima Luna preamps too! (Just the center two). Now I’m going to have to try them in my BHK! I should have thought of it earlier. Thanks for the tip!!
Just a quick followup on
andynotadam’s recommendation for the 1956 Radiotechnique 12AU7s in the BHKs: they’re quite good and definitely worth considering if you roll tubes! You can see a review on Upscale’s web site. I can live with this combo.
Way to go Brett66…congrats on your teles…they more than likely
will outlive your gear…particularly if they are unused and even if they
are I have some 1960s used in Fisher gear that who knows how
long they were left on accidentally and or how much heat within the
receivers …that will still jerk the slack out of the new production tubes;
particularly in the sound quality department…
Twenty-four hours into burn-in for a set of Tungsram PCC88/7DJ8 and I am a believer.
Thanks to all of you for all of your posts regarding tube rolling in the BHK Pre. This is a long thread, but the collective wisdom contained within is something to regard with marvel. I really dig everyone’s generosity in both knowledge and spirit.
I have a quad of the NOS E88CC Valvo’s in my BHK300’s. They’re excellent tubes that I put up near my favourites the Telefunken 6DJ8’s. They’ve replaced another excellent tube the Philips MiniWatt 7308. The Amps are a bit rougher on the tubes even though they sounded good, they lost some sparkle after about 3000 hrs.
I finally added a pair of NOS Telefunken 6DJ8 into my BHK Pre. What you guys have been saying is true, they are revolutionary. The change in SQ in my system is almost as much as it was adding the Matrix into the chain.
I have tried the select Tungsram 7DJ8 from Upscale Audio in my preamp and did not like them at all. they were noisy and colored sounding. I would take the CON/Sylvania 12AU7 over them anyday. That is what I am currently running in my BHK preamp.
For you guys out there sitting on the fence about getting
Telefunken tubes…best advice get em while you can
(from a reputable dealer) and if you think the asking price is high
but spend kilo $$$$ on other accessories for your gear…
you are missing a geat upgrade that will more than likely outlast
your latest and greatest gear…
The nos Telefunkens were built to very high standards unheard of in
today’s new production tubes…and not to be confused with
black diamond labeled Telefunkens…Not the same at all…
different manufacturer …
So even if you have to save up some $$$…do so and get 'em
one day all too soon they will become unobtaniums…