We are very proud to announce Sprout’s latest achievement.
Congratulations Paul and Scott! I look forward to reading the review.
+1 Congratulations!
Is the review online yet?
They just posted about the issue being on newsstands now, so the review will probably show up online soon. Stereophile - May issue
The article is online now http://www.stereophile.com/how-is-ted-coding-the-fpgaent/ps-audio-sprout-integrated-amplifier
New Sprout review on Hi-Fi.nl (in Dutch): http://www.hifi.nl/artikel/23295/Review-PS-Audio-Sprout-onder-Schatkistje.html
Resume: surprisingly big and impressive sound.
It’s… it’s almost like you Dutch have your own language or sump’n.
Sprout was also very well received by the South African “Audio Video” magazine.
One dealer here, had a demo using Sprout with dSC Vivaldi front end and B&W 805 Maserati’s. He explained the experience to me over the phone as “a mindf**k”.
Sprout was also tested on the Vivid B1 V1.5’s and the results were equally impressive.
The wish for more power (80 watts?) and a remote control was expressed though …