Check out what Sprout just earned!!

We are very proud to announce Sprout’s latest achievement.


Congratulations Paul and Scott! I look forward to reading the review.

+1 Congratulations!

Is the review online yet?

They just posted about the issue being on newsstands now, so the review will probably show up online soon. Stereophile - May issue

The article is online now

New Sprout review on (in Dutch):

Resume: surprisingly big and impressive sound.

It’s… it’s almost like you Dutch have your own language or sump’n.65_gif

Sprout was also very well received by the South African “Audio Video” magazine.

One dealer here, had a demo using Sprout with dSC Vivaldi front end and B&W 805 Maserati’s. He explained the experience to me over the phone as “a mindf**k”.

Sprout was also tested on the Vivid B1 V1.5’s and the results were equally impressive.

The wish for more power (80 watts?) and a remote control was expressed though … :)
