I also watched Paul’s I2S video very recently. I found it helpful after having read about the new AMD TRX40 chipset which might be giving birth to a conspiracy which I’m calling I2Sgate (Think Watergate and Ukraine-gate).
I’m trying to figure out what the bleep is wrong with AMD that they could not make I2S available via the chipset to integrated audio.
What motherboard vendors have decided to do, in the way of MacGyver, is to bridge a RealTek HD Audio codec to a RealTek USB audio bridge. I’m pretty sure this is not the best thing since sliced bread in regard to PC audio.
The response from purist audio card builders and audiophiles could be interesting. Check it out for yourselves to experience the astonishment… or dismay.
The AMD TRX40 Motherboard Overview: 12 New Motherboards Analyzed
"AMD did not include any onboard passth[r]ough audio in the chip[s]et. That means that all the motherboard vendors that are using a Realtek HD audio codec for the rear audio have had to include the ALC4050H audio codec to bridge the USB to the I2S. The Realtek ALC4050H is used to integrate a bridge between the chipset and USB 2.0 to give the Realtek ALC1220 all the necessary connectivity to the onboard audio…The TRX40 platform does not support the HD audio interface used on most desktop and mobile processors. "
TRX40 AORUS Master Vs. ASRock TRX40 Creator - Bigger is NOT Always Better.
I did get a response from Pink Faun when I inquired about TRX40 and their I2S PCIe Bridge. “We make use of the C-media CM8888 to generate the I2S signal directly from the PCI.”
The TRX40 integrated audio issue seems so bizarre to me that I’m wondering if it’s due to complacency on the part of RealTek or apathy on the part of AMD. I’m also wondering if some long-term contracts between motherboard manufacturers and RealTek are to blame. Maybe a revised chipset will appear after the holiday season.
Whatever happens, I think it could turn out to be an interesting story to follow. At the same time, I understand that it might not be as interesting to patrons of this site who seem more interested in generating quality audio outside of a PC rather than within it. I simply have not found another venue for discussing this. So, I hope you’ll allow some room for it here.
Additionally, most of my personal computers were build with AMD CPUs. If anyone could be considered an AMD fanboy, it would be myself. Yet, I’m not so enthralled and euphoric to refrain from being critical while others seem content to revel blissfully over AMD’s smack-down of Intel in the desktop space.