Daniel Hertz Audio

JK Richards also posted the sale on his Audiogon thread. Special pricing for those who did the initial APS transformer and VOCM upgrade and wish to upgrade to the signature plus. I’m tempted to do the upgrade which I’m sure would be worth it, but I’m also considering a whole new direction.

Looking into Mark Levinson’s Daniel Hertz Maria 350 amplifier/preamp/DAC.

Maria is a single chassis, all in one audio electronics solution, replacing the DAC, preamplifier, power amplifier, headphone amplifier and interconnect cables.

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I personally don’t like the idea of integrated systems as if something doesn’t sound good or correct it makes it hard to determine the issue. Also it usually means a compromise in sound quality although is a KISS solution.
That Daniel Hertz Maria 350 amplifier/preamp/DAC looks impressive.

That was then, this is now. Mark Levinson’s Maria amplifier is a game changer. The technology behind it will soon be licensed to other manufactures who wish to take advantage of the revolutionary Mighty Cat software and C Wave technology.

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Have you auditioned it? Looks very impressive.

Like most things in audio, the proof is in the listening (and the quality of the design).

I tend to agree that integrated solutions typically meant more compromises are made in the overall design and parts selection. But, I am not so sure these days.

This “integrated” design from Mr. Levinson sure looks interesting.

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Not in person, but even listening via Youtube you can get a sense that there is something very special about the technology. That and the feedback I’ve gotten from those who’s ears I trust, and the long history of Mark Levinson the man, and his accomplishments in audio. Next step, listen in person.

Really? I am curious why you think it’s a game changer. The C Wave (if you look at the patent) appears to be modified reverb. The amp itself looks like a three channel (maybe Class D because it has no visible heat sinks?) with DSP. So, I am curious what it is I am missing.


Like previously stated, lots of feedback from those who’s ears I trust.

Hmm… Those C Wave videos seem quite flaky. When he said, “the brain feels something like duh-duh-duh-duh-duh… It doesn’t like it.”, my brain went, “bye-bye-bye-bye-bye”… Admittedly my brain does not have much of an attention span though.

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From the patent, in addition to adding a little reverb to the audio signal subtle EQ is introduced:

“A further feature of the present invention is also applying equalization settings, with Q setting at −0.26 or near it, a 40 Hz frequency setting at +0.2 dB or near it, a 2 kHz frequency setting at −0.2 dB or near it, and a 12 kHz frequency setting at +0.2 dB or near it.”

That is, reverb and a gentle broad Q “smile EQ”. Really guys? This is your break through?

Incredible stuff, this new technology


:blush: exactly. Though Mark is a master presenter and excitement generator. I have always been in awe of him.


Takes skill to sell snake oil

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It’s going to be hard to beat the sound quality of the DirectStream. I never liked audio gear that adds something to the sound that wasn’t in the original recording. Transparency is king.

As always, listening is the only way to draw any meaningful conclusions.

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Yes and no.

I know without listening adding reverb and smiley EQ is of no interest to me.





I have to say I prefer that to frowny EQ.


The only reason Mark Levinson was able to get a patent was that he was able to prove based on scientific testing that his technology repeatedly improved certain physiological functions in test subjects.
So not exactly snake oil.

To summarize, the Avatar medical test conclusively showed that the bio-signal sensor indications taken from the same individuals, under the same conditions, using the standard PCM digital processing produces far inferior physiological results than the same bio-signal sensor data collected while applying the UMU correction processing in accordance with present invention, using the described equalization, reverberation and volume settings. Thus, the results indicate that listening to music that has been processed with UMU, in accordance with at least one embodiment, is better for human health than not listening to music at all, or using standard PCM digital process for conversion.

A good number of listeners enjoy adding reverb and smile EQ to their listening.

Every rental car I pick up that has an equalizer has it adjusted to the infamous EQ smile.

I can easily accept added reverb and smile EQ is physiologically better for “at least one listener” as claimed by the patent.

There was an audio fad not long ago with some listeners advocating putting all music through mid/side processing to bring out more of the side signal resulting in greater stereo separation and more room sound/reverb

I don’t think tweaking the signal by factions of a db comes anywhere near the infamous EQ smile.

A system according to claim 1, wherein the equalization setting includes a width of EQ setting or Q setting of about −0.26, a 40 Hz frequency setting at about +0.2 dB, a 2 kHz frequency setting at about −0.2 dB, and a 12 kHz frequency at about +0.2 dB.