One of my amps refuses to power up. Checked fuses. Seem ok. Gosh I don’t want to have to send the beast back. And was just getting ready to test the new dac2 which I haven’t heard while burning it in. Any ideas?
Fuses appear fine… the ‘white’ ones also look fine but I don’t know what a bad one would look like - assume you can tell if blown?
Did the system go from working to suddenly not working?
If you haven’t, I would shut everything down, remake every connection and light it all up.
I had a similar experience and it was just the hdmi cable that slipped out just a bit.
Lots of trouble shooting. Seems the left amp is the problem: no audio, even with another CD player plugged into rca input; tried l and r output of that player… amp not passing audio.
Right amp seems fine as it plays back ok (input rca from surplus player.)
I had been burning in dac2 w no audio playing for 250 hours. Finally wanted to listen to New dac2.
Agree I will try unplugging and reconnecting everything. Good advice! I could pull the tubes and try replacements but the tube set has under 3000 hours on it.
3000 hours is a pretty big number for a power amp so if you have spare tubes change them out and if not swap the good ones in the working amp to the other one. Sure beats a large shipping charge during the Holiday shipping season.
The tubes are input tubes, not output tubes; should last longer.
But I agree, swapping or replacing tubes is worth a shot. I have confirmed issue is not my cables, not the dac2 (though I’ve still not heard but one channel playing.). Not pre either as I bypassed it entirely, driving amps w surplus player (20 years old or more.). And that resulted in no audio left channel too.
Sure seems no music for Xmas. Hate to package and return amp now.
Just because the filaments are lighting up doesn’t mean the tube is working properly, not saying the tubes are the problem. Try the tubes out of the working amp.