Decware. The Best Amp Ever? Andrew Robinson Seems To Think So

Uhh—how’s the amp sound?

You started the appearance thing, bruh.

Yeah, I know. But I’m kinda flighty–as you know by now.
So how’s she sound, my bruthuh?

See above. Super Early Days.

I will say that it seems to do happier stuff with the 90-ish dB efficiency Dunlavys vs. the Metas (circa -10dB).

With my 100ish dB speakers, my little 2 watter can really summon the authorities.
But I love the amp most at low, late night volume (low 60dB). It has richness and detail that is just amazing.

You flea watt bros are trippin’ yo :man_shrugging:t2:

words …:cowboy_hat_face:

The Above was one of those, you have to write a bunch of text to get it to Post things.

I went with chicken head so the setting could be seen at distance.

I have the ebony knobs on most of my components. They feel amazing to the fingers and disappear from sight, works for me. (My level is controlled via a ZTPRE with remote).

An intriguing choice, and very attractive. Would not work in my main system space and my wife would never allow them into the living room for that system! Should be a good pairing for the amp(s) though.

Dude. Have you been dipping into the Stranahan’s again?

Ooof. No idea where that is. :pray:t2:

Curse you🤠

Early spray-painted bathing suit,

Thanks for the compliment. :blush:

PAP’s concept is modular offerings with a DIY spin to it. I just added to the speaker name to denote the options, it is actually a Trio 15.

More Audio Porn, :cowboy_hat_face:


well that looks blurry. Sounds not blurry however. But it is geting dark.

Looks nice from the couch🤷🏻‍♂️



Excuse the iPhone image.

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I see you, and raise your blur

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