Dedicated AC run quandary- suggestions?

I have been thinking of doing a dedicated 20 amp line from my breaker box which is about 50 feet (run though walls) to the stereo rack.

BX cable must be used since this is NYC.

Aside from the cost of opening the walls, then closing them, there is a lot of dust involved and my elaborate video editing system and a Roland Vdrums is in the room that would require all the drywall work, and would have to be moved or protected very well.

I had another thought, which would be just to add an single outlet right near the breaker box, then run a 50 foot audiophile ac cable, which could be terminated in a 20 amp IEC connection, and run straight into my Niagara 7000 power conditioner.

Since the cable is running through my editing suite/drum room, I don’t mind seeing it run along the baseboard, and once in the living room won’t be noticeable either.

I’m thinking about having a custom 50’ BAV power cord made for this, and wanted people’s reaction to this plan, as opposed to the 10 gauge BX in wall, which would end in an ac outlet, then short ac cable into the Niagara.

There is one more option and wanted people’s input. I have a 12 foot Audioquest Hurricane high current cable I’m currently using to go from a non dedicated ac outlet into the Niagara’s 20 amp IEC. I know there is supposed to be synergy using the AQ power cables with the Niagara, so I could have a 40’ BAV extension cord made, which would go from the dedicated outlet then plug the Hurricane into that.

I realize I’d be adding one more connection that way, but wondering if there would be a benefit as opposed
To the singe run of BAV.

The rest of the system is MKII Dac with custom xFormers, Atma-sphere MP1 tube pre, feeding BHK300 amps, Velodyne dd10+ subs and a phono front end.

Just thinking outside the box for the moment, and there might be some regulatory issues with this idea as I’m not an NYC-registered electrician. What about making the circuit that you currently use to power your gear into a dedicated line from the breaker box? I’m thinking you could bypass each of outlets on the circuit with a proper ‘jumper’ connection.

“to add an (sic) single outlet right near the breaker box, then run a 50 foot audiophile ac cable”

That’s the quick route to bankruptcy. I use Pangea power cables because I can’t justify super expensive power cords, but fifty feet is prohibitive.

BAV isn’t that bad 50 feet is like $1800 which is less than running the in wall that while distance.

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I would run the power cord, as I understand the crap NY puts you through. Unless you run it in the wall yourself. Just make sure it is very secure at the outlet if using a plug. Me, I would hardwire it right at the outlet.

When I ran my dedicated lines I placed them under existing crown molding and pierced drywall near ceiling and at the outlet. You have then just to clamp wire near top of the ceiling and be careful nailing the crown molding. It sure beats exposed conduits or stripping drywall. Plus the crown molding kills slap echoes.

That’s a good idea, there are even crown moldings made specifically for this with a channel inside. You could also just use regular crown moldings and a 1/16" piece of steel, so no nail or screw would penetrate to the wiring.

Thanks all for the suggestions but crown molding isn’t going to work since it has to pass a window that extends to a lofted area above.

Its either run inside wall or at the floor level. Perhaps I can run the molding on the floor?

You could run it in baseboard molding.

Thanks will look into that .

Have you thought about maybe running wire mold? That’s a legal way to run long runs.