I also own one of JK’s HDMI shorting plugs, which I haven’t been using because of the supposed input shut-off feature. Right now my unused I2s input is set to Auto. If I insert the plug, should I change it to “On”?
In case you’re only monitoring this thread, we just launched the final version of Massive Firmware for the MK2.
This is a huge release so if you’re an MK2 owner (or prospective owner) now’s the time to upgrade to nirvana!
Mine is far from an official answer but I think it may sound a bit better with the input “On.” It may be system dependent.
Installed sucessfully and playing now…
Many thanks for your continuous free improvements of products already sold. The real Kaizen Experience!
Hi all,
I did something to cause a lock symbol to appear in the display on all inputs. What I don’t know. I don’t see anything in the manual about it. What is it and how do I manage it?
I can’t figure out how to add a picture
If you look right above the text box where you type your message you see a bunch of buttons. Put the cursor where you want the picture and then click the seventh button from the left to upload a picture.
I found the answer to my lock question in the manual; it indicates I’m using a fixed volume setting.
Thanks @fvector750 . I’ve been enlightened.
I posted this question nine days ago, just minutes before the release of Massive was announced, so it sort of got lost in the excitement. If I reinstall JK’s HDMI shorting plug on my unused I2S input, should I set that input to “on” instead of “auto”? I think it should be “on” but would like to verify that. Thanks.
@tedsmith please is it possible that now with Massive Final having additional FPGA buffer , the DS got less sensitive to external jitter (e.g. network streamer connected via I2S to DS MK2) ? I think this is what I am hearing, just wanted to confirm if it’s just my imagination, or it 's real
In auto is OK. I am still able to hear a difference.
Don’t believe it matters whether “auto” or “on”. He did say to be sure the input is set to “grounded” however.
I’m not sure what people are talking about when they mention an additional buffer. I did change the buffering in the Mk II code, but actually I made it shorter for lower sample rates. Instead of buffering a constant number of samples I buffer a constant number of milliseconds of audio. This keeps the dynamics of the under and overflow checking and feedback constant and greatly simplifies the management code.
However, I took explicit steps to lower jitter sensitivity in each release of the Mk II code. In the latest code I used another clock manager to generate a clock exclusively for the final DSD output. That should help avoid some jitter and noise on the final clock.
I’m in the hour seventies and my MKll definitely doesn’t sound as good as yesterday. Others have commented on this rough patch as well. Just got to let in work through it.
Thats why I turned on streamer and DAC and walked away while it repeated a burn in track for days…
What did I do? Somehow I turned off the display. It comes on when I enter menus but otherwise it’s dark. I want to be able to monitor the sample rate. Can’t figure how to turn the screen back on. Help!
Reboot it and it will stay on until you hit uppet right dim button on remote. I turn down intensity and dim display. They add noise and roon gives bit rate anyway.