100… Engage!
One thing that worked for me was keeping both remotes handy and just let your subconscious figure out which one it wants to use.
I think I recall reading that the volume sliding to 100% is a Roon bug and will be fixed in the next release.
@awayward I been reading the ROON forums and many reporting the issue for quite a while. I saw the release notes on the current ‘early release version’ and there is a mention about ‘fixing’ volume going to max so we will see. Thanks for your reply
I was reading on another forum about some issues with the Mk II, most were vague, but one was delineated with a photo. Not sure what this is, hoping someone here can give some detail, i.e., what this does, why is it sticking up from the board, and is it on the underside of the top board? I’ll add I’m not opening my Mk II just to look for this, nor am I trying to start any trouble, just curious …
I am sure Ted, Paul or Aaron can tell you what that structure is. It is not unusual to have small PCBs attached vertically to larger mother boards. I’m not sure what the plastic piece on the edge of the PCB is?
I’m betting that it is a flux capacitor.
Ted’s secret ingredient!
“Be the remote, Danny”
Got to be some kind of early deployment, can’t be the version being sold?
That was my thought but waiting for PS Audio to confirm or deny.
Appears to be a work around mot being able to get the chip in the board package size originally designed for. Notice the reference designator was same except for adding of an A for the rework boards larger 16 pin components . Must have not wanted to wait for board respin or leadtime on the original BOM parts due to time, money and availability.
I too noticed the “A” designation on the three chips, so something was changed. As mentioned above this may have been an early production configuration, now changed. Still hoping for an official explanation.
I saw the same thing on the other forum. What was implied about this and failures was not reassuring. It’d be nice if @Paul could fill us in on what this is all about.
Received DS mk2 loaded with latest firmware. Connected to DMP using HDMI cable. playing CD has no issues, however, when playing SACDs (DSD64), at beginning it sounded good, but after a few tracks / a few minutes there will be audible ticking noises coming from left and right channels. I tried I2S 1 and I2S 2 and no difference, also with ethernet on and off, back light on and off, factory reset no difference, same repeatable issue. switching out I2S channel and back will repeat the cycle (ticking noise returns after a few minutes).
My DS mk1 doesn’t have this problem. Before I call PS audio Monday, I wonder if anybody has experienced this ticking noise playing SACDs with mk2?
Update: reloaded FPGA 2.3.3 today and no change. once ticking noise starts it will continue till stop and play, then cycle will repeat. Not sure if it is compatibility issue with my DMP or something else.
Exactly. Same part (don’t remember what it was but not a big deal like the FPGA). This was in the middle of the parts pandemic, and we could only get this part in a slightly bigger package. Most of these parts are available in 3 different package sizes but they are the same silicon.
Paul, could you recall if this was in the early beta units, or the first batch after formal release, some idea of when?
What, exactly, is the concern?
Thanks in advance.
Not trolling…
Check out the AudioGon thread …
The concern is mounting a board vertically by using SMT lands of the horizontal board beneath without reinforcing the overhang mass of the vertical mounted board. This has to be hand soldered on o board lands designed for small SMT components. Normally you use a plated though hole solder technology.
The concern becomes reliability of using the SMT lands not during convection reflow process with solder paste. Nearly impossible to get a good solder joint with hand iron doing a heat and drag solder technique. You can see where the motherboard solder lands were overheated and bubbled. Now add the stress of the daughter card vertically mounted and rocking with vibration during shipping and sonic waves of a music room.
This type workaround design would most certainly fail if it were equipment subjected to any rigorous environmental stress screening with established heat and vibration profiles for long term reliability. Will it last the three years of PSA warranty it’s possible. Would it last as long as an accepted design principles for assembly and longterm reliability? That would have to be subjected to testing.