Directstream Mk 2 observations

I’m glad the theme of empathy has bubbled up in this conversation. There have been too many posts questioning the choices made by other posters in relation to the Mk2. Each person should feel free to make whatever choices they wish and not be criticized for the decision they have made.

My personal choice has been to take a chance on getting a Mk2 now even though some users have reported problems that have limited their enjoyment of the product as they have waited for reliable fixes to be implemented. For me, I was impressed by glowing reports of the sound of the Mk2 and the realization that it would have cost me more than $1k in reduced trade-in value for my Mk1 unit if I waited any longer to get the Mk2.

Fortunately, taking a risk on an early Mk2 has been working out well for me. Not only have I saved a substantial amount of money on trade-in, but my Mk2 sounds wonderful. I have had it for only six days and it has not yet fully settled in, but it already sounds great. This DAC sounds more open and transparent than the Mk1, but without high-frequency glare or harshness. It’s very easy to listen to it for long periods of time without fatigue. Soundstage and imaging are fantastic, and I’ve also been surprised by the great bass that the Mk2 is putting out.

I hope that all Mk2 owners experiencing ticks/pops or operational problems will have these problems resolved by the upcoming downloads, and I’m grateful that I have not experienced these same problems myself. Many thanks to Ted for giving us such a wonderful DAC!


Fair enough on the MK2, thats an existing product.
I also relate to what you’re saying about the AL. However, that’s a not yet existing product outside of PSA.
As always, we all are free to choose our path in life and what nice products we can pick up along the way.

Let’s keep up posting about each others choices and lessons learned on this forum! It’s all very informative, worthwhile and many times enjoyable. I hope you feel the same.

Bravo! I’ve taken the same sentiment; still waiting for mine to arrive. As a surgeon, I’ve seen product shortages and delays repeatedly, with theatre managers scrambling for alternatives and plugging holes for quite some time. As a team, we’re no longer surprised when we hear about a lack of stock, even if we don’t like it. It is what it is, and we keep going. I’ve based my system around PS audio for well over a decade now. I like the products and the people behind them.


very nice jump in sound quality this morning, after being on for 18 hours and playing discs for 6…l last listened last night after 5 hours on and playing discs…sound just jumps (big band jazz), clear and open…unit itself totally quiet…


100% true
I had the same experience over the past month or so.

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I never get email responses unless I email James directly.

I have about 70 hrs on my modded MK2 and the stage really grew in size over the past couple days. It is now at least 3 feet bigger in all directions. Very real and convincing. I didn’t get the opportunity to experience this with the loaner we had last month as it already had over 500 hrs on it when we installed the nickel transformers.

I have had zero issues with my MK2. Just patiently waiting for the UI updates.


+1 to your comment. The Mk2 was my first purchase of a PS Audio product. This DAC is mind blowing amazing and all superlatives become cliches when describing how good this product is. I bought based on the reputation of the DSD Mk1 (if it is called that) and the strength of the brand with existing customers. WRT pops, I have heard them when I skip a track in play even if same file format, but not between natural transitions between songs in the playlist queue, regardless of change in file format. And the pops were more subtle than pronounced, and certainly would not be a cause for pause in moving forward with a purchase.


I was both very pleased with the sound, and maybe a little surprised at the amount of improvement from just being left turned on the extra 12 hours…


My DAC has been for sale for 30 days and no sale. What does this tell us?

It can’t be price, it’s $1500 below retail.

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That’s not a good sign. :confused:

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I would imagine once reviews are out it will be much easier to sell?

I would wonder if most buyers in this price range, have some piece of equipment they don’t use, and are getting the $2400 rebate…curious what you are thinking why?

I can see that. But from that are you saying that most buyers have a trade-in of some value to get that much of a discount? I can see that as some of the reason.


Why no reviews? I seem to remember the FR30 had reviews pretty quickly. I may be wrong about this. My memory may be wrong.

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Seems the used DS MK1 are selling quick for $2500 and up. They had tons of reviews and very little complaints.

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… and they are $2.5K vs $8K.

While I have no info, perhaps PS wants more parts in stock before sending to reviewers, and also waiting for latest OS? Some companies don’t want way more orders than they can fulfill in short order.

Yes. My point was they could sell the DS for at least $2500 and get a MK2 if they really wanted one.

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