Do you use a mono cartridge?

I have a fair collection of mono recordings and I’m loving the sound of many of them.
In fact I’ve rearranged my shelves to group all mono together.
I’m curious about what I might be missing not using a mono cartridge.

Yes, but only a low end Ortofon Quintet Mono, and IMO yes it’s better on mono records than either a “stereo pseudo-mono” cart or a stereo cart. I’d love a Myajima Infinity Mono, but right now that goal is on a side burner. The Quintet isn’t bad really, but I’ve heard the Infinity and it sounds better.


Yes. Get one. My is My Sonic Lab Eminent Solo. Great sounds


There’s some sense in a mono set-up assuming your turntable can be configured for multiple tone-arms. At one time I had considered a second tone arm for my VPI Prime with a Ortofon Quintet mono. Having heard a similar set-up I found the sound to be an improvement over an Ortofon Quintet Black. Never pulled the trigger, went for an upgrade for our summer home system instead. No regrets.

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Absolutely yes! In addition to what has already been said You’ll also be surprised on how much quieter your mono LP’s will sound.


Your mention now has me reconsidering a mono set-up for my VPI Prime, could be fun. Need to track down a 3D tone arm and cart.

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My Mono cart is about half the price of my stereo cart and my mono arm was a third of my stereo arm. The mono set up sounds a lot better on mono records. The density of the notes and the snap of the leading edge of the notes is just so much better …


Good to know. I’m going to look into mounting a mono arm setup. Thanks

Ron, are you getting a new turntable? AFAIK no way to mount a second tone arm on a Linn turntable.

I’m going to experiment with an external mount. It shouldn’t be impossible. A perfect project for a dark, snowy winter.

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Isn’t the main question, if it’s worth the 1,2,5,10,25k people paid for the first tonearm again (maybe a second phonostage?)…or is a mono cart so beneficial that for one with 25k arm it makes sense to add another Rega or so for the mono game?

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Mono styli have a very different profile. The hardest thing is knowing how the vinyl was cut, as mono recordings can be cut as stereo.

I briefly used a Jelco + Ortofon 2M Mono because of the modest cost and exchangeable headshell. The cartridge is gathering dust.

I look forward to seeing the final product.

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How did you like it, and did you move up regarding the tone arm and cartridge?

An exchangeable headshell is maybe not the best solution generally but definitely the best for using multiple cartridges!

It was a pain in the neck, about 8 or 9 years ago.

I ended up using the arm for a MM cartridge, to spread the load.

The arms were OL Illustrious and Jelco 850, both 12"
I recently moved to Reed 3P 12" and sold the Jelco.
I’m just about to do a new turntable, it will have the Reed 3P and a Wand Plus 10.3"

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Your pre 1963 mono albums will thank you.