There’s nearly another 50 Fourteeners, just in Colorado…
Thanks Ted, I will check with them for the patch
I didn’t mean to imply that the patch was released. I do know that someone has reported that they got a copy from PS Audio service. Last I knew they hadn’t listened to the 20 copies of the patch to figure out which sounds the best so the audio quality may or may not be similar to Redcloud.
Thanks Ted, yeah I was going to ask service for it. I was kinda hoping they would listen and figure out which sounded best and release it to fix a known issue, especially given that it already exists and isn’t under development.
This is great news.
Honestly when I bought the DS - I knew I was getting a killer product - but the fpga drew me in. And for me it’s the fun factor of listening to the upgrade. It just never gets old to me.