I’m new to the wonderful DirectStream DAC (with Bridge2) and am curious about something.
When playing a DSD file the DS screen shows Input: DOP, Rate: DSD64, Bit: 1, which I think is correct. But when I pause or stop the track, the screen shows Input: PCM, Rate176.4, Bit 24. It reverts to the DSD display when the track is started again. I believe I have my JRiver settings correct and the sound is excellent but I’m curious why the paused display shows PCM. Is this normal?
I hope someone has some insight.
JRiver, DS Dac with Bridge2, Simaudio Moon 700i, Tannoy Turnberry GR LE.
The DS doesn’t know about pause - it’s showing you that your player is sending PCM 0’s not DSD 0’s when paused.
[Edit -I should have added that most players send PCM 0’s when paused which is fine.]
Thanks Ted, understood. So when a PLAYING DSD file is presented to the DAC from the Bridge, the DAC sees it as full DSD and plays it accordingly. ie, nothing for me to fret about. Right?
Everything is working as expected. If the DS display shows DSD (or DoP) then it is indeed seeing playing DSD.
Ted Smith said
The DS doesn’t know about pause - it’s showing you that your player is sending PCM 0’s not DSD 0’s when paused.
Ted, with all the time you spend with the DS, maybe it's time to have that PCM talk. He's a big boy now, he will need to know these things when he goes off on his own.