DS Junior - Replacing the Bridge II with an Airlens

In light of the recent postings of DS Juniors failing due to believed overheating issues, I thought maybe I should replace my DSJr while it is still working very well (Stellar Gold + Airlens??) or just get an Airlens now, disable the Bridge II and see how it goes.

My DSJr with it’s direct ethernet connection (via Bridge II) is working swimmingly fine today, zero issues, never a dropout or anything. Yes it runs warm but without any problems whatsoever.

Is there a How-To or forum discussion that explains how to disable or remove the Bridge within the Junior? Is it something someone can do without a soldering gun? Is it even worth going down this path?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice.

I’m no expert, but I don’t think you can “disable” the bridge in the DS Jr. I remember some talk about removing it, but nothing about turning it off, so to speak.

FYI: Has anyone successfully disable or removed the Bridge II from the DSJ?


There is a thread here somewhere about pulling the board out. Remove cover (from the bottom) and remove the board.

I have never used the bridge.

There are some very good streamers out there with excellent software. Tons of choices ..

I like my SGD with Airlens very much