Keetakawee Punpeng’s Fidelizer Pro reviewed on 6 Moons. Congratulations Keetakawee! To me, your software is a great upgrade for Windows machines.
The review suggests set up is easy, would you agree ?
Yes. Just a few check boxes to attend to and you are good to go.
Thank you for bring good news here, wglenn. I’m happy to know that Fidelizer works well here. By the way, 800th license milestone reached. Another 200th left to reach 1000th. This wouldn’t be possible without continuous support and contributions from everyone.
Fidelizer Plus: US $39.95 —> $30.0 (Until 29th November 2015)
Fidelizer Pro: US $69.95 —> $55.0 (Until 29th November 2015)
This offer will last until 29th November 2015. I’ll be working on Windows 10 updates for a while and will release 6.12 later with some improvements upon request. I got some requests from existing customers who purchased some before recently. I hope this will be good opportunity for you to consider upgrading Fidelizer. I also refunded the excessive amount for customers who ordered today.
Keetakawee Punpeng (Windows X)
I noticed this update from my recently bought Lenovo tablet just before going to a trip with my dad. Now I’m back and it’s about time to test this major update for Windows 10. I noticed some new icons and over all it’s more stable than before.
As for sound quality, I notice the improvements significantly. It has better dynamics and more fluid than before. Windows 10 sounds clearly better than Windows 8.1 and this update takes a few steps higher than before, especially with Fidelizer Pro.
If you’re running Windows 10 right now, I suggest you to update to v1511 immediately. And happy listening.
I’m still on Win 8.1. I need to swap CPUs so the Win 10 upgrade will validate (back to the CPU that I built the system with). Sounds like good news with Win 10.
I think that I have a problem with Fidelizer and minimstreamer although I haven’t confirmed it yet. Fidelizer may be blocking minimstreamer’s conversion of DSD to DoP. It seemed to work without Fidelizer, but when I engaged Fidelizer I could"t play DSD with minimstreamer/minimserver. Unfortunately work is very busy and I haven’t had a chance to update Fidelizer Pro or Win 10 so it may just be an out-of-date software problem for me. Just thought that I would pass that along, though.