Firmware Versions and Digital Sources

I now have Redcloud up and running on my DSJr and can (maybe) answer the question I posed at the top of this post.

First impression with Redcloud: there ae now less differences between the same CD played from a disc player straight to DAC, or a FLAC file from my NAS, or a FLAC file streamed over internet from Qobuz. (The last 2 both coming through the Bridge)

Good news is all sources are very untiring to listen to, but I bet I will end up with a ‘favourite’ source after a lot of listening. Having said that Ted has me worried about file fragmentation on the NAS. Should I check that and run defragmentation software??? Is this the road to paranoia?

PS the Bridge update which comes with Redcloud does let MConnect play from Qobuz and VTuner radio with no glitches. This is easier than work arounds I used to have to do to play them with Bubble. I dont think the control software makes a jot of difference to SQ so just use whatever suits your needs.