As do I.
The stuff I might want to turn on/off remotely isn’t connected to a PowerPlant. It’s connected to something else.
As do I.
The stuff I might want to turn on/off remotely isn’t connected to a PowerPlant. It’s connected to something else.
Out of amusement, I accessed my PowerPlant using the web browser on my phone. It works great. By accessing the local IP address of your Power Plant you can turn it on globally, switch on/off individual zones, name and configure zones, etc.
So a bit off topic. But what value does turning off a zone provide?
As an example, I have my DAC on a zone which is always powered up. If I wanted to turn it off I can turn off that zone separately.
I have a tube preamp and power amp, neither with remote control on/off. I use a switched zone with my universal remote to turn them on and off. I leave the zones for my other gear on and let my universal remote turn the individual units on and off.
Well. I’m not being a pest really. I’m struggling to figure out a time when I would want to power down an item from an outlet as an example. Didn’t know if there was any added benefit sonically shutting down unused outlets.
It is just another way to control what is powered up and powered down.
I am insufficiently tweaky to determine if the sound is different if unused outlets are powered down.
There are other applications…I can routinely ping a connected device via network and if it does not respond it can be automatically triggered to power cycle a specific outlet. Useful if your cable modem has a brain freeze and you need to restore internet. etc. I can imagine other applications…if you on way home and you want to warm-up the system 10 minutes before arrival you can do that remotely via the powerplant.
I have my subs set to turn off in one zone due to a hum that occurs when the amp is off. So the power down sequence includes shutting them down with my harmony remote activity
I have used a web browser on my local network for years to control my P10 for convenience.
I have configured the zones and power them from my iPad on a daily basis.
I maintain my views on PS audio. A company that uses marketing and so on and so their products do not keep what they promise. That’s the way it is. I have completely stopped getting updates about updates etc from PS audio. Since I am completely finished with their products and company policies. My PS audio equipment is almost never used anymore.I would also urge PS audio to change the manuals to, for example, clarify whether the clicks their pre-makes.
Yeah, some of their manuals might benefit from an update. It’s been discussed here a few times before. Whether our discussions translate into action is another thing. Paul is a busy guy, and if I recall, he’s the one who writes all the manuals. They might benefit from hiring a part-time document technician to keep everything up-to-date.
Whether in-house or contracted, always a sound practice. Always.
@jamesh - Are we still on schedule for the Power Play summer, 2019
Capability question:
No firm dates that I’ve heard. New phono stage and speakers have been the BIG focus the last couple of months.
If you’re dumping data after 30 days - whereas you used to dump once per calendar year - can the new globalnet be configured to automatically send out an email with the 30 day data before it gets dumped. If there’s a Windows/Android/iOS App we can dump that data into would be even better.
Smart that LAN based access was designed and implemented.
Do we have a power plant server status update. I own two power plants. The ability to view your power history is a key feature of their use…
Good question. It’s an advertised feature. It hasn’t worked for about one year, maybe longer.
Just spoke with the dev team and we’re really hoping to have it up and running in the next 6 months. Whenever we have meetings about it, more and more ideas for it get discussed, and of course in order to implement those, it will take more development time.