Headphone Cable Recommendation for Hifiman HE1000 V2 Headphones - Stealth Magnet Edition

Looking for a headphone cable recommendation for my Hifiman HE1000 V2 Headphones - Stealth Magnet Edition​. 4pin XLR balanced.

Budget $300-$350


And don’t forget “Slippers to wear while listening to Hifiman HE1000 V2 Headphones - Stealth Magnet Edition”.

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I think if you were to find cables within your budget in the Arctic Cable line you would be happy. I have three pair of their UPOCC cables and like them very much, and they have held up for years.


Thoughts on the Legato?
(So. Many. Options.)

The Arctic cables look interesting. Thanks.

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Is Hifiman still shipping the v2 with the opaque “medical tube” cables, or do they come with the new braided cable?

They came with the below cables.