I’be been tested a couple of times and my wife has been tested many times by multiple audiologists in multiple medical offices and I’ve never seen a hearing test go above 8000 hz. Our audiophile world is obsessed with nuances of hearing that are irrelevant to 99% (or more) of hearing impaired people seeking hearing aids. I can tell from self administered hearing tests with headphones that at age 69 my hearing is sharply rolled off above 12-13k hz. However, do those last dog whistle frequencies really factor heavily in music appreciation and one’s ability to appreciate fine audio? I’m highly skeptical. I was first exposed to good audio when I was sixteen years old don’t remember fixating on triangle, piccolo, violin, and other high frequency instrumental overtones as overriding denominators of good sound when I could hear up to 20k. Reference this chart showing frequency and harmonic overtones of instruments and see how little is happening above 10k-12k hz. Even with a 9k hz cutoff, there’s little happening in the grand scheme of things.