I am running my trusted Audio research ref 3 preamp with BHK 300 . Would trading up at a massive cost have a congruent gain in performance? which of either the discontinued BHK pre Or Stella Gold preamp offer better sound with my
Eggleston Andra 3 speakers ?
What aspect of your system’s sound are you looking to change? Could a tube set change perhaps give you the change sought?
That’s very good advice. . . in my preamps (Decware CSP3 with Anniversary mods) different tube complements really produce significant changes in the overal system sound.
Since you own it, you must be aware that your AR preamp is considered a masterpiece.
You might miss the soundstage and midrange sweetness if you were to replace the ref 3
A very nice preamp indeed with the Bill Johnson designed, tube regulated power supply, maybe not the best choice for tube rollers. The 6H30’s in the gain stage being somewhat limited with the Sovtek and EH being the only real options. The NOS Reflectors are said to be far superior, if you can source a quad, an expensive proposition
What do your sources and cabling consist of?
My hunch is a BHK pre may not be a step up.
Curious as to whether anyone here happens to have experience with both pres.
Switched from AR REF 250s power amps that had beautiful synergy with Ref 3 preamp But like so many, retirement is looming and valve costs would be a nightmare. Ref 3 with the BHK 300 I find the music/voices slightly veiled / not as sharp /transparent and loses some separation at higher than 50 on vol. Admittedly running no special cables - Audioquest at best
Yes Sir … faultless and involving with previous Ref 250s but it is dated in terms of dynamics etc …maybe I’m missing out especially now in the streaming realm?
Hi JP … admittedly not great cables. Linn lp12 + Exn Cambridge streamer .Thx
I am hoping to test all 3 (ARC, BHK and Stellar Gold) back-to-back in situ at home if the dealer will/ can arrange as I have no reference for the PS audio preamps and its very costly exercise /mistake to make switching out to an unknown,
So you switched from a sound that you felt had beautiful synergy with the AR amps to BHK300s and now the sound is not as good? That doesn’t cause me to look critically at the preamp.
Hopefully, we won’t have long now to see what PS Audio has in store for the BHK preamp replacement. I am most curious.
Good plan…this is the way.
Have fun.
I would keep your preamp and consider an upper level amp, whether something like Gryphon, Vitus, or even Mark Levinson. If cannot afford new, decent used solid state amps do show up at The Music Room
Mark Levinson?!!
What is this 1978?
I am using a Cambridge EXN100 streamer to a Stellar Gold preamp, sounds wonderful.
But as usual YMMD.