Help - What headphones would you recommend for my new BHK Preamplifier?

What did the two of you not like powering the HD800 with the BHK?

I might think about the purchase of the BHK Signature Preamplifier if the earphone input is not good, then there are too many problems between the PS audio device and me. But thanks for the good answers from the serious people in the room.

I already have problems playing loudly with my ps audio equipment - if that’s the same rubbish with the headphones. So I’m off. Sorry, I do not dare. You wish everyone a good Easter

My main issue with the BHK was that the HD800 sounded better with two other headphone-amplification solutions that I already had. I would hardly call the BHK’s performance deficient, though, with those headphones. Just not quite in the same league as the others.

What were the others that mated better with the HD800?

They are exceedingly easy to drive, even portable players can do so. But they lean toward the bright. I like them with my Woo WA5, but even then the HD800 is pushing my tolerance for bright.

As a side note, I find it almost difficult to believe they have been out for almost ten years.

I’m still enjoying 20 year old HD580 and brand-new HD6XX with the BHK pre, though the BHK is still improving at 100+ hours on the headphone amp. I don’t have any (or any experience with) fancy dedicated HP amps to compare but it sounds very pleasing to me. I quite enjoy headphones, and speakers.

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Yes, Elk, you have mentioned your impressions of the HD800 before. A few years back I found an unusual synergy of that headphone with the Bakoon HPA-21 (when switched to current mode). Then when I was auditioning the BHK Pre, I pulled a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Preamp out of the dustbin that 4 years earlier I had had the original designer upgrade (past his SE specs and with some very-expensive Duelund coupling caps). While I found the Sonic Frontiers unit to sound a bit different with the HD800 compared with the Bakoon, I decided it was non-inferior. And I ultimately preferred it to the sound of the BHK Pre with the same headphone (interestingly, too, irrespective of tube choice for the Sonic Frontiers’ key two positions).

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Your memory is better than mine. I hope my expressing an opinion is not offensive.

Thanks for the amp descriptions.

I found the BHK Pre to produce a very bright - even shrill - sound with the HD800s that was irritating - I came back to the BHK several times as the tubes burnt in but couldn’t listen to it with the 800s for more than about 10 mins. I’ve been using the Samuels Raptor Headphone amp for about 10 years now - previously with a CJ 17 preamp which did not have a headphone output - it produces a much warmer sound - much more listenable for my ears.

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Yike. Shrill is not good, although I am not completely surprised. One needs to carefully mate the HD800 with a compatible headphone amp.

I have heard many wonderful things about the Raptor. I would like to hear one.

Good morning USA … Then I got up and went to Copenhagen to pick up my new
BHK Signature Preamplifier: The joy is gone and I have reduced the marketing to zero. Right now it feels like it’s one of my life’s worst decisions I’ve taken, the purchase of the BHK Signature Preamplifier. Thanks to ELK. When I see or hear that name, it’s our Scandinavian name on a beautiful animal. Funny now EVER it’s not an insult and I’m sure he (“Brodric”) wants fine 5 errors on the picture.

The Raptor is a very warm sounding headphone amp - can listen to it for many hours without fatigue. Still going strong after 15 years of use and only one new set of tubes. Does not hurt that it also has a very cool blue lighting effect. I never use the BHK Preamp headphone set uo and certainly wouldn’t invest any time or money in finding a more compatible set of headphones when what I already have sounds pretty good.

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What happened. Michael? How did you get so turned around?

A nice looking moose, another wonderful ungulate. But not an elk.

I find my HD800S phones with BHK pre to be somewhat volume limited whereas with my much lesser system (JDS Atom Amp, Schiit Modi 3, Loki, Wyrd) plays much louder. Any similar impressions? I’ve had the pre for several months and it is well burned in, however I have not used the head amp more than 100 hours. Perhaps it requires more hours to open up?

Definitely a moose!
Sorry to hear of your dissatisfaction, I hope you feel better soon!

Second on HD800s- amazing. Ether Flow closed sound great too. My faves- for now!

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My HD800s phones play loud at 70 on the BHK Pre with 7DJ8 tubes- right in the sweet spot on the pre.

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I’ve had my Utopia’s for two years. I went through the best that HiFiMan had and sold them because they just weren’t being used. I never cease to be amazed at the Utopia’s sound.

Hadn’t considered tubes as an issue affecting volume output. I run Simens E88CCs