Installation of NPC remot of Preamp

I would like to install the NPC about 15 meter remot of the destination of the Output-signal ( eather Analog or digital). The

destination will be my psaudio DAC or a “room-equalizer” called AUDIOVOLVER.

Question: Would this distance reduce the quality of the Output. What type of cable is recommendable for a digitalout?

With regards, Egon Winkelmann

in Wildhaus-Switzerland .

It would sure not be my first recommendation to go analog but if you can go digital, you might be ok. A 15 meter coax of good quality to the DAC might work alright and probably worth a try. A 15 meter analog cable, balanced, is surely going to degrade the signal but can be done.

Welcome, Egon!

Please let us know how the NPC works out for you.

I am still waiting for the delivery of the NPC from the german dealer. I will Report after Installation.

With regards, Egon.