A lack of clarity around whether it is right and fair…
This fragment struck me as particularly apropos for the 21st century .
The A.I. double edged sword has a much sharper downside than is actually being acknowledged.
Under the category of “You have to be kidding me”. I love Harry Shearer’s quote at the end.
All I can say about his letdown is, “Seriously dude?”
RIP Marianne Faithfull
She was great. RIP.
How would the violin sound today compared to 1714?
RIP David Edward Byrd
As an older teen-ager, I had a summer job working in the JFK area of Queens [1970’s]. One day at lunch time, my friend pulls up in his car, opens his trunk and had 40 or so of these very same posters from the Fillmore East. I was an idiot not to purchase any of them. I distinctly remember Floyd, Hendrix and The Who. Talk about regrets…
Forty years later, I have probably the only two publications on those posters and The Fillmore East that were ever printed.
This is an interesting bit of news…
The latest from Darko . . . .