Jumpers or Bi-wiring for Aspen Speakers

I cannot understand Synergistic Research’s thesis. An unbalanced signal would perhaps occur when using two different cables, if at all. Consider that speakers contain capacitors and inductors that affect the phase of the signal. This should of course be taken into account when developing the speakers. The arrangement of the chassis also influences whether the signal arrives at the listening position at the correct time.

My personal experience certainly doesn’t confirm SR’s thesis, but I was happy their cables improved the sound of my system without having to purchase two runs.

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The new golf clubs sound great! Straighter, longer, and easier to hit are all good. What brand are the clubs? The only Japanese clubs I’ve seen in person are Mizuno, Honma, and Miura.

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I can never understand Synergistic’s product names or their explanations for how the products work – but at least you were able to improve the sound of your system without having to do a full bi-wire.

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XXIO Prime for old guys​:golfing_man:t2::laughing:

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I have FR30’s, and i am amazed at the price/performance of Fidelium speaker cables, and his unique bi-wire set up. These ribbon cables allow 1 cable connected to amp, and then near the speaker, he connects a T ribbon to both the Low and Hi terminals. I think this is a great solution for FR10’s, and a price you can afford. I used the best Iconoclast speaker cables prior, so i dont have any other comparisons. For a great price you can get bi wire to your FR10s.


OMG, I absolutely and totally agree with regards to how one should use jumper cables in place of the metal plates
They are very distorting! Just do an a/b test and hear the sonic improvement!i if you are not sure……


May I ask how you first discovered Fidelium cables and did you find a significant improvement over Iconoclast? I have FR10s and currently use a set of custom Mogami cables which seem fine to me, but I have been curious what I might find if I were to try something else.

Thanks for providing info on the Fidelium jumpers. They are reported to sound as good as two regular Fidelium cables in a traditional bi-wire configuration. They appear to bear some similarity to the earlier comments about the Synergistic Research alternative to a traditional 2-cable bi-wire.

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this Greg Weaver review got my attention.


My FR20’s came with a good set of jumper cables - are these no longer included ?

They are still included, we all just like to do things different from one another, and like to talk about it, as we should, lol.

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was just curious, I use a double run but use the included jumpers in a secondary system…someone had mentioned to not use the brass jumpers, which made it sound like that was what PS was now including…

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