Klipsch cornwall speakers

The older model one piece LaScala - I didn’t rate them that much, never fancied owning a pair, the new AL5 is considerably better.! Obviously, that’s just my opinion. And like you said, they are ‘Big’, and more imposing than the Cornwalls due to their depth.

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Yes I have an open offer to revisit them yet again as long I I bring my SET amp. Still having fun with my new set-up so probably won’t do it until December. Should be fun.

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Steve Huff loves the AL5’s with XA60.8’s and gets pretty deep on the Klipsh sound in his youtube video review


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Finally out for delivery!

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OMG, they are quite chunky aren’t they!

How are they sounding?

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Great, shine on your crazy diamond now


Sound amazing, horns are the best!


Very nice set-up. I like the Moon/Coyote hanging and using the cable elevators for mass weighting is smart.

Lots of luck with the new speakers.

i remember back in the day at arena concerts, there’d be some guy parked right in front of one of the mains for the whole show (freaker by the speaker?), and that’s what I think of whenever I see these and that’s exactly why I want a pair of them



How do you keep your cat(s) off your Klipsch speakers? Asking for a friend.

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I had a friend in high school (still my best friend) that was a Freaker by the speaker. Every show his first order of business was to get as close to the speaker stack as possible. He would always make his way back to the car so all good

Today he runs LaScalas with a Mac 462 and is not satisfied until his wife (and everyone else) yells for him to turn it down!

I’ve offered his the use of my Triode (Japan) 6L6 amp but to no avail, he wants more powerful monoblocks…


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I don’t, she’s the boss and goes where she wants!


Sounds about right in my house, too.

Wait so everyone who damaged their hearing in their youth now prefers Klipsch? :grinning:

Kidding, I like how the Gen4 Heritage stuff sounds

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