What should I look at?

So, I’ve sold my Wilson Watt Puppy 8’s. In many ways, they are awesome speakers, but what ultimately led me to sell them was that at times, they could sound a bit “reserved”, just didn’t have enough “flesh and bones”. I’ve listened to Magnepans (LRS+, .7, 1.7i, 3.7i) and I do like the .7’s the best, but they are not the most dynamic speakers (my REL 812’s do help with that).

I listened to Klipsch K-Horn and Cornwall yesterday at my local store. The K-horns are really special, but they just didn’t image and to put them in the corners of my room would require me to change everything around. Cornwall was much better in terms of imaging (although I don’t think they were set up the best), and they definitely have that “flesh and bones” that I have been looking for.

So far, everything is a pretty significant compromise… what I would like to find is something that can do space like Maggies and dynamics like Corwalls. Adding some of the imaging that I loved with the Wilsons.

Is that impossible? I’m pretty open to any type of suggestions and I’m going to take my time this time around to find something I really LOVE and will hold on to for a longer time.

The room is 15x25x8 with a 6x8 alcove in the back right corner (along the long wall). Amplification is my much loved Gryphon Diablo 300 (so gobs of power and current), with Stack Link II streamer to a Matrix SPDIF2 and i2S to a DSS (with JKRichards mods and power board).

I’ve listened to KEF Ref5 and it was just too much like the Wilsons. Focal left me unmoved and I never liked the sound of B&W.

Top of the heap as of right now would be Magnepan .7 or Klipsch Cornwall (although I didn’t have a chance to hear the Forte IV yet, which I understand is a bit more detailed than the Cornwall with a slightly loss in dynamics).

I’ve own many speakers over the years. The horses that have stayed longest in the stable were full range electrostatics or planars. With your room and amplification, you could stay with planars (with subs if you like) or do a hybrid. I owned 1.7.s for a decade, happily, even though they were constricted on the top and bottom. I finally settled on the FR30’s. That or the 20’s could be a nice match. Other hybrids like Martin Logans did not have their continuity (excluding the CLX’s which are full range). Suffice to say there is a lot of good stuff out there but if planar mids and top are what you gravitate to, then the field is narrowed. Home trial via dealer or manufacturer loan could help the process. Have fun.


I wonder if the new Martin Logan’s might be worth checking out. They are basically the new(ish) Paradigm founder series but with MLs ribbon tweeter. I really liked the Founders series when I heard it at a dealer recently, I’d be curious what the ribbon tweeter adds to the speaker.

Elac might be another brand to checkout.

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Thanks Rob, but I don’t think DYI is for me… I would very likely screw it up. (you need to know your limitations!) :slight_smile:

Thanks, but I’m thinking the FR20 might be out of range. Or rather, more than I’m wiling to spend

Guessing my max would be about $10k used.

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Wondering if Avantgarde is worth considering?

The pair below are local only but an example.

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You seem to have skipped over the LaScala in the Klipsh line-up. Might want to give them a listen


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Lots of people like Tekton speakers for their value and other qualities. Never heard them personally, but they have a wide range of speakers at reasonable prices.


Two possibilities jump out in my mind:
wait for the FR10 to be released
attend Axpona to be able to hear a wide range of speakers in person
(if Axpona is a possibility, attending all 3 days would help time-wise, and to go back to certain rooms again)

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You might consider looking at the Salk line of speakers and perhaps demoing a pair at home. I think you can get significantly more bang for the buck by cutting out the middle man (brick and mortar retailer) and dealing with Salk, or one of the other online retailers. Some of them are really excellent. Good luck!


I’m going to listen to a pair of Zu Audio Def Supreme on Thursday. On paper, they are hitting a lot of what I think I’m looking for. Dynamic, resolving, good depth and width of the soundstage.

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Try to listen to as many as you can. You’ll know it when you hear it.


I totally agree with @kzk.

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Zu Audio

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DeVore, 093 or 096 or Devore Fidelity Silverback Floorstanding Speakers; Exotic Cherry Pair - The Music Room
Incredible speakers


If you like the Zu Audio speakers, or DeVore for that matter and want some dynamic punch as some find with Klipsch, you may like the Pure Audio Project (PAP)line. More refined than Klipsch to my ear. The PAP speakers run at 96dB efficiency, so your Gryphon is going to be a bit of overkill.

Pure Audio Project

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Thanks, I was actually just doing some research on PAP. The major challenge is of course that I wouldn’t be able to hear them before purchase.

If you are near me it would not be a problem. I should add they will be at Axpona 2023. I should add the Devore 096 are very nice indeed. I do prefer a more mellow sound to a hyper etched or detailed sound.

Im in New England, so probably not anywhere near… Unfortunately, I can’t make it to Axpona this year either, so that won’t help (wish I was, that would make the search quicker and easier)