Loading and artwork

Can anyone tell me why the DMP takes much longer to load standard cds than PWT ? also why does it take longer to get artwork and also does not recognise red book cds that my PWT did. As for sacd, bluray audio and DVD-a it rarely recognises them at all as far as artwork and sometimes track listing is concerned. I love the thing to bits but this is becoming a bit of a minor bug bear.

Any ideas/ help appreciated.

I wish it were faster and the next release of firmware will speed it up, but not to the speed of the PWT, unfortunately. The PWT had only to read a small TOC before it could make itself available. DMP has much more to do. It must read through menus and TOCs and determine what format, etc.


In computer programming I use something called a CASE statement. It is used to test if one of a series of conditions is true. As soon as it finds a match, it falls through to the end and skips any further testing. It seems like you should be able to use something like this when identifying a disc in the DMP. If disc is CD then load CD, Else continue to identify other kinds of discs. Perhaps it’s not that simple to quickly identify if a disc is a CD, but if so, you should be able to reduce the load time for CDs by checking for that format first.

I own two Oppo Blu-ray players, and load times there are pretty quick regardless of disc type. For the DMP, did you somehow disable what Oppo does to identify the type of disc and write your own? Perhaps they could help you with a faster method of correctly identifying the type of disc.

Just some thoughts.

The problem on SACD’s not finding Artwork is caused by the DiskId which an SACD returns is not the same as the DiskId which a CD returns, and far fewer SACD’s are currently in the database, which should improve over time. As for BlueRay and DVD-A no DiskId is returned to us, so we have no way to do look up artwork.


This looks like a good thread to ask my question, so here goes…

I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of my CD and SACD collection but already find many that either don’t find artwork or are not there at all. I’m not having a problem finding the disc info and have shared several already to the PS Audio community. But when I add artwork (I have artwork for all of my discs on my hard drive), I don’t see an option to share with the community database. Can this be done?

Additionally, I played Fleetwood Mac Rumours SACD last night and the tracklist was missing a couple of tracks and loaded artwork for The Eagles Hotel California…LOL

I updated my playlist but it would be nice if I could share this aw well. If there is a way, please let me know.

Yes. When you make those changes the info is sent to us automatically. We review them and approve or not the work you’ve done. If approved it is added to the community database for everyone.

Thanks, Paul

I was unaware added information and graphics are uploaded automatically. Neat. I have added artwork as well and it is good to know it may help someone else later on.

Paul, just to confirm: this happens not only when you edit a CD or SACD in your playlist and then click on “Share with the community,” but whenever you make any change to an album’s art or data in your playlist? I didn’t know this – it should be spelled out clearly. While this isn’t highly personal information, I believe that people should know whenever stuff gets uploaded from their own equipment to another site.

And to be perfectly clear, I am referring to when I add album artwork or edit track info to something that already exists in the PS Audio database. If this is uploaded automatically, then great. I agree it is not highly personal so I don’t feel it is invasive.

I also understand that album art and info is not a priority to many DMP owners, but it is a neat feature that I enjoy.

Thanks All for the info.


I generally do not care about displaying album artwork, but once in a while i find it amusing to add it to my playlist and later see it appear on the screen. I would be pleased if this also helped someone following after me.

Adding artwork to your playlist does not always work as has been discussed in this thread- if it did I think everyone would be very happy. It might be useful to merge these two threads.

magister said

Paul, just to confirm: this happens not only when you edit a CD or SACD in your playlist and then click on “Share with the community,” but whenever you make any change to an album’s art or data in your playlist? I didn’t know this – it should be spelled out clearly. While this isn’t highly personal information, I believe that people should know whenever stuff gets uploaded from their own equipment to another site.

Yes, sorry I wasn’t clear. You have to click share this with the community and then it gets sent to us for approval. If you don’t do that then we never see it.