Cool (as it were).
I’ve decided to invest in precious metals. Silver, gold plate, rhodium, etc.
I’m landing on the Farad, having gotten the go-ahead from SWMBO.
That way, I’ll get to answer some questions. Like, is the Farad better on the Matrix or the UltraRendu? With a Teddy in-house, I’ll have a delightful range of options.
Thanks for all the input, folks.
No offence taken at all! I thought it was funny
If and when you take that step, my whole set up is kitted out with Sonic Art AC cables. I bought another for my Farad, but it’s running in on the Sbooster that’s going to my Nuc + at the moment.
I have an eta on my Loaded up farad for Wednesday. Happy about that.
Al, you don’t want to listen to my setup unless you want to end up in the poorhouse!
Esoteric equipment may not be cheap, but once you hear it, you might not be happy with listening to anything else! I’m only using the 02 series, but believe me, I can’t imagine any components sounding much better! It really brings this Farad to live!!
So when my farad arrives … I will be comparing the matrix to straight usb. Basically no external power supply.
Any particular test tracks you might suggest ? It’s odd I have all this music but the stuff I like the most is more minimalist in nature …a bass, piano, vocal.
You can use any recording you like especially one you are very familiar with. Try the new Octave recording, “Temporary Circumstances.” Female vocals is a good test.
I’ve gotta download that… I pretty much listen to dsd for the most.
You should hear a markable improvement with any recording you choose, especially since you are not comparing it with another power supply. When you put in the Farad, you should hear more clarity and resolution, and when you take the Farad out, it should sound more veiled.
I am not running starter gear myself you know…
No disrespect Al, I didn’t think you were using any run of the mill equipment. You mentioned NBS Universal II preamp and Wilson speakers which are highly respected. Not to mention your hoard of top line cables. That is why we are so interested in your opinion when we want to know how something sounds. Your equipment can readily show the difference.
What I really should be saying is all these hi-end components and upgrades are really taking a toll on my pocketbook. But it is worth it, since it bring such joy to my listening!
I’m waiting for Al to order the Farad! So I can read his review.
The Farad suppliers should send ‘the’ Farad for his review. It would be great publicity.
They can send me a review sample and I’ll give it a test drive!
Well. This will be interesting. I’m not an off the charts believer in such things. I also have zero experience in power supply changes. But I went all in on this. So I’m not bringing any preconditioned ideas to the table here. I have a p10 - but my power out of the wall is quite good and stable w minimal THD.
Hoping for a jaw /floor moment.
Similar situation over here with stable power & P10, you’ll be pleasantly surprised
Us non p10 users have to be careful then. if everyone who says how great it is has a p10 or better, Then sonically the dac could be the limiting factor regarding sonic improvement with the Farad as the dac mains hasn’t also been cleaned by the p10 as well
Good observation but also very consistent with the message that quality of power supply is critical for every step in the chain. I use a P20 for my gear, including all the LPSs - although I haven’t tried comparing with LPSs straight into the wall. Still waiting for my Farad to arrive…
It’s not the money that bothers me. I am currently considering a Techdas Air Force 3 Premium turntable with a Gryphon Pandora Preamp with the built in Legato Phono stage and the Antileon EVO Stereo amp. The power cables will cost more than a new car. It’s the principle of the thing. $1000+ for a $500 device that shouldn’t even be necessary. Bah.I still may do it though.