Matrix X-SPDIF 2

There was a user Cardri IiRC had like eight Farads all labeled shock mounted and custom cooled supplying everything. I remember considering them just from his posts. Spent money on cables and LPS instead When I get my rack together with new plex 300. I will move some of the bigger huge transformer high current adjustable LP supplies to the matrix. Big transformers and big caps seems to help lower noise floor.

Why limit yourself with just one when eight is enough.

I agree Al! I paid $300 for my Spdif on the ps audio market place. By the time I add a LPS like a Farad Super 3 and good cables my little $300 investment just turned into a $2250 investment! How did that happen?

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What my Spdif does with no power supply and middle of the road USB and HDMI is pretty impressive. I was so close ordering a 9v Sbooster for it then I saw the Teddy Pardo reviews and I reconsidered and now enters Farad! The thought of adding any of these LPS devices and some better cables has me salivating for better sound which is mind blowing to me that it’s even possible!

As I read Cardri’s posts I sometimes questioned the wisdom of some of his choices. I came to learn that I could and should trust his decisions. I have followed some of his choices and have enjoyed the results.


Kind of how I felt about your review of the sbooster. I recall reading someone saying the Farad leaves the sbooster in the dust. Your reply? Nice dust with the sbooster! My thought if the Farad is better that doesn’t mean the sbooster is garbage. For the money it’s hard to go wrong. Maybe for the similar money I do an entry level Farad and upgrade as necessary. Idk now. I keep following along to see what everyone else is experiencing.

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So far the Matrix has been the least reactive to LPS changes or additions in my system. As for voltage changes it is most reactive when tweaking in one volt increments. Too bad Farad doesn’t disclose how to adjust them yourself. That would convince me to buy one.


Farad in the house. Cold as a brick. I will wait to comment. :slight_smile:


I agree about Cardi’s posts - it was his constant praise of Farad that got me interested in them in the first place. IMO he was right about them.

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Well he is basically a rocket scientist. We had some chats - not when I was interested in the farad - but he was just impressed w how it was designed etc. I do not know electrical engineering - so it is all lost on me.

Tonight everything sounds great w the farad in place. I have not had an opportunity to a/b - but I will. First impressions are - better cleaner bass w more dynamics. Nothing sounding digital at all.


Yeah, what has become of @cardri? I haven’t heard from him in quite a while, but he was an invaluable help to me in a couple of matters. Simple stuff for him, but revelations to me.

Still out there @cardri?

Last I heard Richard was consumed by work and building a new house.

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So listening tonight … and I can’t imagine my front end getting any better. The unit has been on about 10hrs but have only played 3 albums thru it. You are telling me this gets better? Btw - is burn in w it just plugged in - or do we need something playing thru it to count. :slight_smile: Omg.

So top end is extended and smooth. Seems to be more palpable images. Voices more holographic. Bass is more there in particular upright bass.
Seems to be a blacker background.
The music just seems to grab you a little more.

Right now I’m having too much fun to a/b …but I will. Again would just be straight usb into the matrix.

The product itself comes across as a nicely machined metal brick

Listening on Maggie 20.7s w DS/tricked out Cary slp98p/sunfire signature amp. Just for reference


After the sad news that there will be no more Bridge III I decided to order my Matrix.

My idea is to acquire a SMS-200 Ultra.

A question about the power of the Matrix, has anyone used it with the Sotm battery mBPS-d2s? Does it do as well as with LPS?

I already had several experiences with this battery and I always loved the sound that it printed in the setup.

Last I checked he still visits and posts here. Just not in threads that I see. He has left me behind perhaps. :wink:

I have the sbooster + Ultra powering my Matrix. I feed it with the Sigma USB cable from my now much loved Signature Rendu Optical. Today I changed the power cord to the Signature Rendu to a well broken in Shunyata Sigma. It was a very easy to appreciate change and I love what I am hearing. I do believe moving my server into another room also helped. This week I hope to finally test unplugging the Matrix and plugging the Sigma USB cable directly into the DSD Sr to answer a request.

I am mulling over swapping rooms. Moving my theater setup to the nook where my serious system is now. And moving my serious system to where the theater now exists. In my current serious system room I have a shared 15 amp circuit feeding my P20 and all my gear. In the Theater setup space I have one two three four five six dedicated 20 amp circuits that I think it is time to start using correctly. I have my eye on an amplifier that has two 15 amp power inputs. It’s an all class A affair. The matching preamp also has two 15 amp inputs. I am thinking of using four 20 amp circuits for those four inputs, and the remaining two for any and all other gear. I am not certain I will use the P20 in this setup. I may move it to the now smaller theater setup and see how my Sony OLED tv likes P20 power.

This is all something I should have done before but the new gear may push me into finally doing it. When I built this house I built it for sound. But sound for a theater setup. TV can’t really hold my attention compared to how my system sounds these days. So just when I thought I had built the dream system and could now relax, I decide to start over from scratch and go ape crazy instead.

I hope I change my mind.
No, I don’t.
Yes, you do!


Gryphon Pandora and Mephisto is my guess then. Should be good enough for most. No it isn´t …yes it is… lol.

I believe you have checked Jay´s audio lab videos on Youtube. If not,time to check. He´s all in for Gryphon / Wilson combo with lots good info about cabling etc…

Go for it !! :innocent:

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I am going to cheap out for the Antileon instead of the Mephisto as I am adding an Air Force III Premium. The Pandora will get the Legato card upgrade do to this. I fear losing interest in Digital. LOL.

I have not seen the Jay’s Audio Lab videos. I love my Jay’s Audio Transport though. :slight_smile:

Thanks Al!! I enjoy all your posts and observations.

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I thought I was doing the right thing with one dedicated AC circuit to my audio “corner” 16 years ago!

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I had a customer who owns a very expensive audio cable company and he knew I was building a home so he advised me to do it. It ended up only costing $5500 which seems cheap to me now. I have been using it for my theater setup and wishing I could move it… LOL. So now I’ll just move the nice gear to the place where the outlets live. Right now they are all just run of the mill outlets you might pick up for four dollars a piece. I am going to change that to hospital grade at minimum, probably those expensive audio types just for giggles. I have to protect it all from my bunny who runs free like a cat. The more expensive the audio cable the more she likes to chew on it. Leave it in her reach, it is destroyed.
I like her though.