Matrix X-SPDIF 2

I should have looked before I leapt. The Uptone JS-2 powering my Matrix is set at 9 volts after all…

Richer and more palatable is what I hear. In comparison to 7 volts, 7 sounds lifeless and dull.


For those using their X-SPDIF 2 with Windows, I refer you to my post in the ‘DirectStream Snr. DAC and Windows 11’ topic.



Will the successor of X-SPDIF 2 continue the legend?


Looks interesting. isolated IS bus from usb ground is new. In theory use of an external psu is no longer needed

Hmm. Only $499.

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Oh my! OH MY!
I am tempted to try one of those!


A cheaper option than AirLens for current matrix users like me with UltraRendu even if you have to buy the Ethernet to optical magic box. Plus takes up less rack footprint.

Plus it is shipping and lets us use our LPS devices.

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I just wish they would have added an Ethernet input.

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What a great little product this is. If anyone A/Bs the new gen to the old let us know.

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Really tempting idea, I was almost looking for order button, but I have just discovered it needs 12V extrenal DC PSU, while the previous SPDIF 2 version took 6-9V, so for me that would mean new PSU, as the current one is 7V Farad3 :confused:

I did not notice that. I ise HDPlex so that leaves option open n. The big zero zone supplies off eBay would be a reasonable option

Yes, but will an external psu actually be needed for sonic reasons. It is possible it won’t be needed due to the new isolation

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Well if you are not using USB and only optical ethernet for source. There’s no power going to the box. If you keep USB why do the upgrade?

Because in the new version there is no ground connection between usb in and IIS out

Damn, was looking for a next-gen replacement for the SU-6 to be able to upsample past 384k. Seeing the clocks and the board, this doesn’t look like it’s the one.

New Innuos and DSD user here, this comes at a great time as I’m about to pull the trigger on either this or the upcoming AL

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Rather than buying off Ebay with their high shipping prices you can instead buy the the LHY 12 volt power supply designed and built by Jays Audio from Todd the US distributor with free shipping and support for the same price or less.


Good looking out!

Sorry, reading you post again I may have misunderstood want you meant. By ‘upgrade’ do you mean external PSU, or matrix 3. If you mean PSU then I agree with you, it might not be needed :slight_smile:

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